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your just not going to believe this

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by highawatha, May 7, 2003.

  1. cant believe it myself and has noooothing to do with pot.
    had myself some nice fish ina nice clear pond, key word had. we had to go away for the weekend really unexpectedly and when we got back i noticed my whole freakin fishy thing was all messed up and you couldnt see the bottom, my fist thought was damn,....killed my fish again. 10 of em......sad. few days go by,( i was sick,might as well tell ya, hell if your still reading ya might even care ;) ) so today.....
    i pump all the water out of it get to the bottom and theres ONE fish...i look around a sec for the other 9, moved all the rocks already....then it hits me an i start makin phone calls and ask anyone that does call...
    "do racoons eat fish?"....
    most everyone laughed and said yes.

    see i happened to notice a very large racoon leasurly eating my ugly cats food right on my back deck, next to 9 missing fishies. it dove around and made my water all nasty too,
  2. um.......... sorry about your fish???
  3. my deepest condolences highawatha :)
  4. What wonderful way to teach the kids about the food chain!

    Bait shop is just down the road!

    RIP lil fishies.

    Tell Lucky he's on coon patrol until further notice!

  5. hehe its ok, its all fixed now and just gotta wait few days for new fish
    Buuuut...what the heck am i gonna do about a racoon eatin em?

    the dogs outta the question he ran away from it when it was eating the cats food :)
  6. anyone think moths balls might make it stop :D
  7. Coons prefer seafood.

    Have you seen a Red Lobster sign anywhere around the yard?

    Another coon is gonna smell his fish breath and start tailing him to dinner.

    Pre-empt them!

    Open "Highya's Coon Lagoon"

    Once they get a franchise in there, you'll never get them out.
  8. put lobster or fish in a box with a hole in the side. the raccoon will stick its head in there and WHAM...a guillotine comes down and chops the fucker's head off...damn i'm dee da dee da....
  9. that sucks :p
    ill let you know how i fix the problem
  10. Highya's Coon Lagoon!!!! haha!!!

    What ya gotta do is get yerself a big steamin' bucket of lion poo and scatter it around yer perimeter. Anythin short of a bear should shit itself and run the other way. Tiger turd works too, or cougar turds, any big cat log you can find.
  11. Sounds like cleaning litter boxes at the zoo is your only answer babe.:)
  12. then i guess im just shit outta luck :D
  13. i know people told me that but.....welll AGain it just
    ill let out other dog in the fence, cept he digs and probably will swim in my fishpond.
    *sigh* i dun wanna put netting
  14. Just go down to the zoo and ask the keeper who cleans the cats if he/she can save you a bucket o turd. I used to hook people up with all kinds of shit for the same purpose. I don't think they'll give ya shit about it.

  15. lol if the other dog dont work,....
    i can just seee it now
  16. Call your animal control officer in the county and see if he will come set up a live trap to catch the coon. A nice can of sardines will bait them in good. Then catch Mr. Coon and have a nice supper of avrmint pie or carry him down the road a few miles and set him free. Or you can get some Timic and carefully sprinkle it on a hotdog and poison the bastard (and anything else that takes a bite)
  17. yo this is wht i would do......make some bud brownies and put like sardines on top, and then it will like eat em and realize how much better that is than eeating your fishies, and it will become a peaceful racoon and feed off of non-living things...or plants but they dont count as lving for me cuz they dont like get hurt or think
  18. a live trap is the way to go
  19. Racoons are the shit. They ARE a big hassle though.

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