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your goodnight toke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shaggy2dope, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. For all you right before bed tokers, whats your night time ritual? What do you like to do before you toke to ensure great nights sleep? For me i like to get a good snack, usually some fruit or something light before i change into some shorts and a wife beater. Brush my teeth, then load up a fat bowl and toke watching Leno, its always on around 3am which is when i usually get to bed. Of course i always leave a fat rip in the bowl and set it on the end table next to my bed in case i wake up or for my wake and bake.

    Now that ive shared, how do you like to relax and toke up before saying goodnight? :smoking:
  2. Go out to the garage and smoke until im high of course. Go inside and grab some munchies and go into the basement and find a good movie on HBO or whatever, either that or Pawn Stars/American Pickers. Eat my food and watch whatever I put on and then curl up and pass out. Always sleep the best after smoking. I wish I could do that every night haha

  3. Wife beater? Do you mean Stella Artois lol :confused:
  4. im also wondering what a wife beater is lol

    i tidy my room, wash - shower - everything - smoke one in the garden at 8.45 to watch tv at 9-10, then smoke in bed to music ready for sleep

  5. Could it be a white vest, associated with beating a spouse?

    in answer to the question, I just like to make sure everythings locked up, sorted out so if I fall asleep I got nothing to worry about in the morning. I always put on a film, but listen to some music whilst I toke. :smoke:
  6. A wife beater is a sleeveless tank top. Usually have those vertical lines in the fabric. I usually chill with my other and watch something randomly interesting on my PS3 til I am ready to go to sleep. I do not do munchies like she does though. Cant justify eating all those calories right before bed.
  7. after i brush my teeth and shit, i usually wait to a lil before 10 pm so by the time i finish its time for seinfeld.

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