So which out of all the classics is your favorite album from this legendary masterful group? It's a real hard one, but for me I'd have to say Illadelph Halflife. Just barely nudging past Things Fall Apart and Do You Want More? All of their albums are so consistent and excellent. I can't even say why I like it better, just preference when it comes down to it. Black Thought is at his best, and Questlove and the band on production is out of this world. But the exact same can be said about Things Fall Apart and DYWM too! The Roots are in a league of their own, that's for sure.
Do you want more? is dope, probably my favorite. Seeing them for the first time at Bonnaroo this year
I couldn't agree more. Distortion to Static... is WOW! [ame=]The Roots - Distortion To Static - YouTube[/ame] Nothing can fuck with that... except... [ame=]The Roots - Concerto Of The Desperado - YouTube[/ame] [ame=]The Roots - Section (720p HD) - YouTube[/ame] Everything they've come out with the past few years has been dope, but I don't think anything they made since is quite at the same level as DYWM Illadelph and Things Fall Apart