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Your Favorite Marijuana Food.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Alcerious, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. :wave:Who else out there is tired of searching for a good brownie recipe that doesn't start with "go the the store and get a boxed brownie mix." Well I am hoping to put an end to that, I am chef working on a Marijuana cookbook. This cookbook is going to have some revolutionary THC extraction methods, along with a plethora of gourmet recipes. My book has a section titled "The Stoner's top 50." That's where you come in! If you have something you LOVE to cook (and eat) that has marijuana in it or not, you don't have to post a recipe unless you wish. In witch case If I use it in the book I will give you credit for the recipe.

    Thank you all very much, and I hope this left you pondering "if I could eat anything with pot in it what would it be?"

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