your experiences in the "hood"?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dirt Blunts, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. #1 Dirt Blunts, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    to make a long story short

    i went into the hood today with a good friend of mine who works with me, he decided it would be best to show me what a life outside of a middle class neighborhood is really like

    i have to say, watching people sell work and drinking and smoking and watching dozens of fights happen wasn't my definition of fun, it was actually pretty scary considering i was the only one without some sort of firearm in my possession and i barely knew anyone but the guy who took me there and none of them seemed to be too fond of me, probably because i'm white and stood out like a sore thumb while posted up with them

    i also never realized how desperate crackheads are until my guy said "you want some work? i'll give you some for free if you fuck a dog right infront of me", the crackhead instantly goes "WHERE'S THAT MOTHER FUCKER AT? BRING IT TO ME", it was just sad.

    any hood experiences from any other blades? from picking up weed to just generally being in the wrong area??
  2. Daaaamn that sounds fucked up but so fucking funny about that crack head. Here in Toronto the 'hoods' not to bad like the states. Its usually if you fuck around then you get fucked around with and if your white and you act like a bitch (trying to talk like your a gangsta, but you from the suburbs) then you get robbed. But there also the really grimmy hoods which I've never been to cause whats the point.
  3. Like Detox, Im from the Dot, but I seen some bad shit, did bad shit...

    I pulled jack moves, jumped ppl back then... Then I seen ppl get shanked, heard my boy get set up for an O and then heard some fuckface empty a clip into his skull....
  4. Yeah I've seen some pretty hood shit. I know some of my homeboys in the area that have been robbed and beaten over a couple g spots. Pistol whips on a couple of kids in my area that are not very street smart. I feel if you keep your head on a swivel you can at least prepare to get your ass stomped.
  5. saw some dude walk up to a car with a driver in it and punch the guy through the window and open the door and flung the dude out and stole his car. Seen crackheads approach me in downtown atlanta making some bullshit story about there baby needing food so they need money from me. Seen someone get pistol whipped across the head for a stack. Watched crackheads smoking crack pipes in downtown atlanta just smoking away in front of police and them not caring.
  6. #6 yerp, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    I have a REAL GOOD story for this one. When I had gotten 112 hours community service I was forced to do 8 hours a day labor in the streets of the worst city in my state (shootings EVERYDAY, major drug trade), we would go to all the different gang areas and work, me being a white kid from the berbs (tattoos, know my place, just a chill kid) so we are by this REAL GHETTO area that cops are always raiding like every fuckin hour, you know how the hood have those ghetto ass corner shops that sell "Lucys" (Ciggarettes) in singles (like 50 cents for a bogie) and needles. So we were on the behind side of the little ghetto complex, so these 2 GHETTO black dudes in a brand new Mercedes with a New York license plate (out of state) were just sittin there, sunglasses, lookin at me. I was like wattup, there like haha what'd you do, I was like you know, shit happens, then a fucking arab comes running out of the Needle selling convenient store and hands these fools a WAD of money, I was like 10 feet away with my fuckin garbage picker (NEVER AGAIN) they didn't think I saw but when I say it had to be at least 100 g's if that was all 100's (My doctor said I have "Superman vision", I read that bullshit on the wall like hella feet away). Within the same hour, this fat ghetto black chick (not just is what it is) is all posted up with all these other sketchy characters, they dip out and I hear hella sirens and then 4 minutes later the ghetto black chick comes back and runs into the bushes and grabs a fuckin gun she threw (WTF!??!?). Me being a kid from the berbs, drugs are 1 thing but I don't fuck with that gun shit. That was so funny that whole episode, i'll never forget that HUGE wad of money he handed over to those drug dealers, they clearly were NOT small time either.
  7. I used to buy from a guy that live two houses down in my ghetto neighborhood, grilz in his and his buddies teeth and he always bragged about buying shit by the pound, then I saw two gang fights in front of my house and it shorted an 1/8 by him and said fuck that. You know it's gheto when people leave their trashcans in their yard 24/7 and just take the trash bags out to the cans. But I know there's alot worse areas than mine. I'm pretty close to haughville in Indiana which is considered our "worst hood".
    Also my buddy used to live on Mars Hill where everyhouse had a stolen kohls shopping cart in the front yard and we found needles in his bathtub when we were cleaning the place before he moved in
  8. I don't fuck with the hood cause you don't know who's carry heat.
  9. went down to rhode island with my buddy jamal, my friends christian, and my best friend cameron. we went through the hood of province, and some thugs started shit. my friend christian took all of them on at once. kid was a beeeast! too bad he's locked up :(
  10. Yea dude Indiana you aren't likely to get shot unless you are in the middle of some crazy shit but people will fuck with you here, maybe rob you, idunno, but I rep the 317 toooo
  11. I would have asked them for a stack or a kilo of blow.
  12. 48 out of 50 states (Wisconsin and Illinois being the other two) allow for concealed firearm licenses. Texas has very good laws and few restrictions on where you can carry. Point being, you already don't know who's carrying.
  13. I live in Los Angeles, and I've been to the hood many, many times. You have to know though that I'm lily-white and I live about a block away from Beverly Hills.

    So that said, I save my 'hood' stories for my fiction writing, because they're just that good. Ok well, that's not true, they're not that good, but I embellish really well.

  14. Yeah I don't feel afraid to walk down our street or anything but when I'm buying from dreaded out dudes with grillz who claim to move alot of weight I sure as fuck don't call them out when a bag looks short, though I wish I could because their shits fire

  15. i was about to post before i even saw yours. i live in RI about 15 minutes from "the hood." the worst parts are south providence, olneyville and central falls. they can be pretty bad, but everytime i've gone to the providence area's (mentioned above) to score whatever drug, i've had no problem. no violence, and the dudes were usually pretty cool - but they were definitely bad area's where i wouldnt wanna live. i could tell even the drug dealers were slightly paranoid of the whole scene of the area - but overall i haven't had any bad encounters so far - i actually got a place i love to eat thats open 24/7 in olneyville, so i'll often make the trip.

    I'm also in the slums of boston (southie, etc) often for the same reasons mentioned above, and haven't had bad experiences. its a bit worse there than providence, but overall i got the same vibe.

    Then i also go to the bronx a lot, usually for yankee games. i've been to the bronx a shit ton, and its been good every time, except on opening day last year, the first season at new stadium, there was a gang shooting before the game. we were a block away as it happened - didn't see it occur, but i heard the gun shot, and then a dude running by me brushed shoulders with me as he was screaming that " _______ just got shot!" - that was crazy.

    so, overall, i haven't really had any issues in "the hood." i was always paranoid at first too cuz i'm a short little white dude. I look somewhat edgy from my look (just kind of a guitarist/rock kind of look. nothing punk or gothic or anything... more just the way i dress and got some piercings etc), but i'm still mad white n short, definitely feel out of place in the hood lol. idk, i generally just get along with most people
  16. well i live in idaho which my not seem bad but i've seen a guy get shot in the face across from my parents church, seen tons of fights, seen a few drive bys and alot of drug deals which isn't that bad but it's kinda out of place here lol

    O and there are quite a few biker gangs that run through here.
  17. i live in canada (lol) so i dont see alot, but im about 15 minutes from detroit, whenever me and a few buddies go over there for a concert or a hockey game and we get lost weve come across some interesting shit.
  18. I live up the hill about a half mile from many hoods, Its definitely a jungle, and theres a differnt mind state there,

    It really depends on who your hanging with, I use to chill all the time above a heroin house and the worst thing that ever happen was getting skeeted 1 gram and I went back and ganked 2 grams cuz I wasnt barrin dat shitno more
  19. Also went with a friend and his drug suppier to collect a "debt" the guy lived in the middle of nowhere so as we get out into the country they all start drinkin. i was pretty sketched out and then they tell me 3 of em have guns,. go figure. So eventually the driver slipped off into a ditch so everyone had to bail the other guys got a ride and me and my friend had to walk 20 miles back home at night with a big ass bottle of liqour
  20. i used to live in lincoln nebraska in the "hood" there.... i saw a mom drop her sons off to rob a house... they loaded everything into her van and sped off. another time i was at the gas station and this black guy was tryin to sell me a quarter for 15 bucks so he cud get gas in his car..... doesnt sound that strange cept his car was sittin at the gas pump and he didnt even have no money for the gas till he made a

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