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Your Destination???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. ok, well I am new to toking and exploring my mind, well for some reason, whenever I smoke, I always pretend its like the most perfect day.....which to me is like somewhere in the northwest....washington state, or oregon. And a its always a warm super early morning, with a bluey green sky over the water and the sun rising. That is my perfect place to me, maybe a bagel and some tea, and a few bong rips would complete it. This was a place that I was never aware of until weed. It almost motivates me to travel and get out and explore the world. You know? So tell me, does anyone else ever feel like they were transported to somewhere else for a second and you realize that its just thee high messing with you? what was this place?
  2. Yeah, Oregon does somewhat kick ass...
  3. ...Yeah Oregon definitely does kick ass.
  4. Tibet.

    just always wanted to go.
  5. I like to live in Lake tahoe. I wouldnt mind going to napal
  6. #6 bdubs360, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Barcelona or the nicest city in Australia.

    This is from a skateboarding perspective.

    EDIT: I just read the original post and now I feel dumb. Nah, I've never really thought I was transported or ended up somewhere else. Unless burncruising and getting lost counts, cuz one of my friends knows every back road around my area. But I'd love to go to Barcy or Sydney or Melbourne.

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