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Your blazing spots when you were a teen

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Peyote420, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Alright GC, so when I was a teenager I smoked mad bud. I lived on a street with two of my buds who also enjoyed herb. Our parents werent cool with us doing it so we had to find a spot to blaze at where we were away from any potential trouble. We eventually developed 3 spots in the woods behind our street. It first started with a small circular clearing about 6x5 feet but then it developed to the point where we had multiple spots to choose from. I would have been down for just smoking in my room or something like that but I didnt have that luxury. Those spots ended up being incredibly chill and led to a lot of great memories with my friends.
    So what is your story? Where did you go to blaze during your teenage life?
  2. Well from 13-15 i was smoking in woods, parks, at friends houses and that sort of deal. But at 16 I started smoking in my room so that was pretty chill:D
  3. back when i was 15 we all somked at the skate park now we go on cruises betwen class:smoke:
  4. I remember being paranoid about getting caught in I do it all the time :D
  5. I used to climb up on my roof top and sit by the chimney and get mega-blazed. When all was said and done, I'd just jump off and land on my strategically placed trampoline. I felt like a cartoon or an action hero every single time.
  6. If I can get away with it sometimes, I just stay in my room with the window open. Me and a friend found a bench which overlooked half of the town. At night is chill with all the street lights flickering in the background.

  7. Sounds scary ahaha. The jumping of a roof onto a trampoline baked part, not the roof part.
  8. I smoked in my room... all the time. If it wasn't in my room, it'd be in my backyard on my steps.
  9. we used to ride fourwheelers a lot, then we all kinda stopped, then years later when we got into bud, we starting riding fourwheelers again, so we would ride into the woods then blaze then chill, we built many camp fires and i spent most of my 10th and 11th grade years in those woods
  10. There was this park across the street from my high school named The LJ. It's one of those places you see in movies (Where kids go to Do drugs and have sex). We'd smoke out there then take a 5 minute walk to either McDonalds, KFC, or Taco Bell :D
  11. Well I am only twenty now so my teen years were just two years ago :smoke:

    My spots consisted of oh moms old car(me and these kids whom were my best friends out the time would burn in there almost daily). When I first started (16-17) and was paranoid about burning in the house I would smoke in the woods my by house. Then I would smoke in my room or bathroom with a sploof. Then I stopped caring and being paranoid and would smoke mad joints and bowls and hotbox my room(was in the basement). Tried to smoke a blunt in there a few times buy it would always smell up my whole basement.

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