Your biggest munchie binge?

Discussion in 'General' started by TokenLupo, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. The other night I came home blasted and had 3 chocolate chip muffins and an egg/ham/cheese sandwich on toast. I hadn't eaten since 11:30 that morning and blazed all afternoon.
    How about you? Have you ever given into the munchies because its so satisfying?
    I went to bed after the sandwich, and if i hadn't been high, i would have felt like shit ahah.
  2. I hate the munchies!!!


    thier just a pain in the ass, when all you can think about is food, and every 5 minutes you stare into the Fridge and theirs nothing their
  3. I've eaten entire boxes of oreos by myself before... I shit pure black for days.
  4. I stole....I mean ate, all the cookies from the cookie jar.
  5. I've destroyed large bags of chips while high, and also... eaten a whole pizza
  6. One Tic-Tac
  7. Like 10 McChickens hahaha
  8. large triple cheeseburger combo from wendys, about half a giant bag of salt n vinegar chips, 2 packets of easy mac, and a ton of ice cream.
    oh yeah and im 5'10 and 130 lbs
  9. Biggest munchie binge for me is probable a whole pizza, but that's not too crazy for someone with my metabolism/age.

    I always eat before blazing, because nothing kills your high faster than a big munchie binge.
  10. ive just eaten everything in the kitchen. just kept eating and eating and eating.

    multiple teams.

    couldnt put a finger/remember how much i actually eat.
  11. like many others: a whole pizza! no surprise really, i could do that sober sometimes haha

    when i get it really bad : peanut butter and nutella sandwhich(triple decker of course), apples, fruit, chips, anything

    mcdonalds run: probably just 5 different things off the dollar menu hah.

    how about getting baked before a home cooked meal? OHSDOFH:ASLDJFKLS SOOOO GOOD!
  12. amounts that cannot even be comprehended from a sober point of view.

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