Your biggest fears?

Discussion in 'General' started by Luigili, May 22, 2010.

  1. -the dark (aka the unknown that may be lurking out there)
    -extreme heights
    -elderly women
  2. Running out of herb.
  3. The future of Earth. Losing my close friends and closest family members AKA my mom and my grandma. Thats it. And just he future in general. idk.
  4. Easy solution: Cook and distribute meth. If Breaking Bad has taught me anything, that's the best way to provide for your family.

    In all seriousness though, I think my greatest fear is failure. Knowing that I tried my hardest, and it wasn't good enough.
  5. Losing the one thing most precious to me; freedom.
  6. Fuckin spiders man:smoking:
  7. Failure and heights
  8. death, and im scared of that feeling when your hurt by someone so close is hurts and theres nothing u can do to ease the pain
  9. I'm afraid of ending up completely alone. Already feel like i'm not as close with some friends and family.
  10. confront both of your fears simultaneously!

    this pic would be alot funnier if the caption under 'fail' wasn't there...

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