I was walking very fast and talking to somone to my right and walked into a metal post that was at ball sack height. How ever my momentum carried me over the top of the post using my crotch as a pivot. my legs swung over my hips and my face scraped along a foot of concrete floor and then into the metal post while my jeans had caught on the top of the post so my legs where still above me. After I got free I decided id had enough and went home.
I tore two tendons and fractured my knee in two places at districts for track my senior year when I had a half scholarship to a local uni... fml
Jumped off a one story building after my mates and landed on the concrete, fracturing my heel at 1am in the morning, had to walk about 5kms to get back to my friend's house.
Haha, that's a sure fire fail. One of my many failures was getting wasted drunk, passing out and hitting my head on the corner of a desk. Left a wicked bruise on my forehead, and totally fucked up my (only) pair of glasses.
i can't nearly think of a top one but recently... knocked a full pack of ciggerates into my bucket water..shitty