What's civil disobediance? It's nonviolent protest of unfair laws. Who practiced it? Oh just some guys named ghandi, and our founding fathers no one that important really. Well guess what? your practicing civil disobedience by smoking pot, our government is corrupt for not letting us toke. Did we ever beat our wives cuz were stoned? Nope point proven. Each day our government accepts money from evil doers, large tobacco and Pharma, whose going to stand up to those filthy bastards? I am, they can go die in their greed, those who stand and fight are the heroes standing up to evil. They can arrest me for smoking pot, they can make up lies and say it's bad, but we shouldn't back down and continue to toke. Until it's legalized we shall practice civil disobideince and continue to get high. Sure I could flee to costa rica, and live out my days, I might if the us government legalizes. But my point is we shall not be treated as lazy pieces of shit, so whether your a dealer, professor, or 14 year old toking, intellectual prodigy, let's unite and overgrow the government. And remember your a hero, our founding fathers would be proud.
I don't have the ability to just get shit thrown all over my record. I'm 19 and i have barely started my career...having a blemish on my record won't help me at all to advance in the business world. I love weed but civil disobedience isn't gonna do shit.
I wouldn't practice civil disobedience in public(not saying you are)... The gov't doesn't care lol "They're having a peaceful pot rally?" "BEAT THEM" Wait, dude; listen from like 0:50 on. That weird hardcore road warrior voice. Yes. That's is what the gov't in saying to us. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW5D66rhh2k[/ame]
eh i think any residual heroics from rejecting the system is negated by living in it and benefiting from it. babylon will fall not even the dog that pisses on the wall of babylon will be spared every piece of factory farmed meat, every drop of gas, every luxury item negates it me living in the US at all negates it. this message posted from this computer negates it if you want to reform the union though, let me know it's our duty as patriots
He said that you are engaging in civil disobedience if you smoke pot. He means that every time you smoke pot, or have pot or anything to do with pot pretty much, you are kind of peacefully protesting the law and givin a big fuck you to the man. Even medical card holders know that what they are doing is illegal federally in the united states, but the states are peacefully going against the decree of the federal government and allowing access to marijuana. So each state with a medical marijuana program is engaged in a civil protest in re marijuana prohibition. Civil disobedience is the best way to describe the enactment of MMJ programs. And I agree, to a degree, that each and every stoner that continues to live illegal instead of accepting prohibition is engaged in their own civil disobedience protest, no matter how private it is, or how well known.
jw, wouldn't it be better if all the people that smoke marijuana and the people who think marijuana is a pointless crime just unite and become politically active? By voting out anti-marijuana politicians, signing petitions, and voting wouldn't that be the best way of sticking it too the man? Idk if you ever been on probation but its not fun, and if you fight probation by smoking and get caught you'll go to jail and have a criminal record, I think more stoners need to support there local Normls and political groups such as MPP, write there congress and state reps and just become politically active, wouldn't that make more sense?
QUOTE=Smotpoking;10463935]What's civil disobediance? It's nonviolent protest of unfair laws. Who practiced it? Oh just some guys named ghandi, and our founding fathers no one that important really. Well guess what? your practicing civil disobedience by smoking pot, our government is corrupt for not letting us toke. Did we ever beat our wives cuz were stoned? Nope point proven. Each day our government accepts money from evil doers, large tobacco and Pharma, whose going to stand up to those filthy bastards? I am, they can go die in their greed, those who stand and fight are the heroes standing up to evil. They can arrest me for smoking pot, they can make up lies and say it's bad, but we shouldn't back down and continue to toke. Until it's legalized we shall practice civil disobideince and continue to get high. Sure I could flee to costa rica, and live out my days, I might if the us government legalizes. But my point is we shall not be treated as lazy pieces of shit, so whether your a dealer, professor, or 14 year old toking, intellectual prodigy, let's unite and overgrow the government. And remember your a hero, our founding fathers would be proud.[/QUOTE] For inspiration: “Prohibition…goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.†- Abraham Lincoln, December, 1840 -
I don't think smoking pot makes you a hero. There are plenty of idiots smoking pot just for the enjoyment of getting high. They are not trying to make a political statement. They are just having fun. Comparing your average stoner to Ghandi is just ridiculous. Ghandi fought for independence of his country by going on marches, making speeches, civil disobedience by starving himself, etc. Most pot smokers could never compare to the man. Most pot smokers just care about getting high and eating their munchies. Do you really think this is comparable to Ghandi? This thread is just ridiculous.
i think the most effective thing is to teach people to RETURN TO PRINCIPLE and turn away from fear and misinformation the largest and most obvious principle to legalize cannabis(and other drugs for the same reason and no other) is not because its safer than other drugs(which as far as i know it is) but because drugs laws DIRECTLY restrict free agency and seek to control the individual FORCING others to do something, even if its the right thing, is not only wrong, but some christian religions teach that it is SATAN's very plan in itself IF a powerful EVIL being supports such laws, why should the average american? the main religion i was reffering to is the LDS religion, if any missionaries show up to your doorstep, say sure you can come in as long as you listen to what i have to say first: then tell them to talk to you about the premortal existance, when they do, say, "NOW SATAN's PLAN was to FORCE everyone to do the right thing, right?" if they know wtf they're talking about they'll say yes and be delighted you're listening, then say, "so, drug laws, they DIRECTLY follow SATAN's PLAN, am i correct." again, if they have any idea what they're teaching, they should say yes then, whether you're interested at all or not, just say that they can continue if they promise to think of that the next time they're at the polls IF THEY ARE TRUE TO THEIR PROMISE AND RELIGION, this should be a partial solution IF EVERY MORMON IN THE U.S.(thats millions of people) THOUGHT ABOUT THE PREMORTAL EXISTENCE AT THE POLLS, AND TAUGHT THEIR FRIEND THE PRINCIPLES OF FREE AGENCY, DRUG LAWS WOULD NOT EXIST
What's wrong with smoking to feel good? By smoking weed yourself, you are violating the law, which in some places carries a very steep penalty. You are essentially saying "Fuck the law, I'm going to smoke anyway". You are exorcizing civil disobedience. Most stoners will say "I'm just smoking herb and eating a bunch of food." AKA "I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, just enjoying myself and eating." You sir, are ridiculous for discrediting the work people have put in to make weed as accepted by society as it is. OP, I see what you are saying. You shouldn't be so quick to give in to other peoples opinions. Some people must take for granted that a dime bag will wind you up in jail in most places and is heavily against the law. They must forget that smoking weed is illegal. Imagine smoking weed during the reefer madness days. By smoking weed you may not be Ghandi, whose work and willpower extended beyond the desire to get high, but you are a piece of the legalization effort. For every stoner smoking a bowl and eating some food, that's one less person thinking you're a sinner, lazy pothead, devil child, crazy person, as stigmatized by the media. Imagine if everyone believed the anti-cannabis campaigns...
My plan to make you all "cannabis heroes" is safe and simple. First, click that 1st link in my sig. Read, read and read some more! Learn what cannabis can do! (It's amazing! ) Get some stamps. Find a site (or two) with the email and snail mail addresses of all of your local politicians- right down to the city councilmen and mayor! Bookmark it! Send an email like this to each one of them (they spam mail us, let's return the favor! )- To the Honorable (title and name) , I support the legalization of medical marijuana and you should, too. Here is one good reason why cannabis should be legal- Marijuana Compound Shows Promise In Fighting Breast Cancer Marijuana Compound Shows Promise In Fighting Breast Cancer A compound found in cannabis may prove to be effective at helping stop the spread of breast cancer cells throughout the body. The study, by scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, is raising hope that CBD, a compound found in Cannabis sativa, could be the first non-toxic agent to show promise in treating metastatic forms of breast cancer. “Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer,†says Sean D. McAllister, Ph.D., a cancer researcher at CPMCRI and the lead author of the study. “Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients. This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects.†The researchers used CBD to inhibit the activity of a gene called Id-1, which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells throughout the body, away from the original tumor site. “We know that Id-1 is a key regulator of the spread of breast cancer,†says Pierre-Yves Desprez, Ph.D., a cancer researcher at CPMCRI and the senior author of the study. “We also know that Id-1 has also been found at higher levels in other forms of cancer. So what is exciting about this study is that if CBD can inhibit Id-1 in breast cancer cells, then it may also prove effective at stopping the spread of cancer cells in other forms of the disease, such as colon and brain or prostate cancer.†Please consider this when you vote on our up-coming bill on medical cannabis use. Thank you for your time, (your name) a voter in district __ Send a copy by email (considered to be the "voice" of 10 voters), and a second by "snail mail" (considered as the "voice" of 100 voters). Chances are different clerks will see your identical letters and your two letters will get counted as the voice of 110 voters! Get a few friends in on it and you might even swing things! Make a weekly party of it! With copy and paste, it shouldn't take you guys very long to do! Isn't it worth an hour a week (or less) to get legalized cannabis? I did the hard part- finding all those good MMJ studies and articles! All you gotta do is pick one and then make a quicky form letter! Easy-peasy! Next week rolls around, you pick a new study or article, share a few joints with your friends as they pick their own "study of the week", and you guys just repeat this every week until legal! Most politicians won't do anything until it affects them (or they get bribed enough ). Cannabis can treat so many ailments, it is just a matter of time before you send in just the right "study of the week", and suddenly it "gets personal". Maybe his sister has breast cancer, or an uncle is showing signs of Alzheimer's, maybe his wife has IBS... but whether it is for a trivial ailment or one that threatens life and limb, you have to keep trying different ailments! Educate yourself, and then others! Granny
like that guy said, but i'd personally focus on the principles behind it as well, if people could get back to principles then we'll likley gain MORE freedoms bac kthen JSUT MJ also, heres the order of teaching that will be most effective imho educate the individual, YOURSELF educate the family unit. being the base unit of society, a strong, educated family is an important thing educate close friends and neighbors educate the community educate politicians of the community educate individuals in other communities that will start the process all over WHILE you or others in your community educate surrounding communities and individuals, spreading the TRUTH please don't spread any lies either, that will only hurt the movement I say this because MJ has lies on BOTH sides of the debate and on top of all its benefits, you have to focus on principle if you are really to teach, truth will ring true in the ears of those listening, but ONE LIE is enough to close their minds and hearts for a long time START LOCAL AND THEN WORK OUTWARDS, I BELIVE THIS WILL BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE and may result in it being legal in your town first, then the county, then the state and it continues to grow like that
Don't think for a second think that PotHeads will support the Johnny come latelies To the victor go the spoils This should apply to the Marijuana revolution as well. No licenses should go to the anti-pot people that were against this victory. Only those PotHeroes who were incarcerated, lost jobs or assets etc etc etc... should get our support $$$ Period. We are a cohesive group (numbering in the 100's of MILLIONS) and when we boycott the oppressors shops, they will soon be out of business. I read about one investor that owned over 60 licenses. Boo and boycott. Expensive pot licenses will be worthless real fast. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pot-warriors-only-need-apply/x/4440681