Young teen I knew killed himself :(

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 69 others, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. This kid came into my school senior year from down south. He was one of the quiet type kids and definitely coming into a school like mine senior year is going to have some problems. Anyways everyone seemed to be nice to him, not out of their way nice but just how their parents taught them to behave towards others.

    Anyways, he graduated and now I hear that he died yesterday, most likely from suicide but not confirmed. This deeply saddens me, I fought with depression for about 2 years and had many suicidal thoughts. I never told anyone, just acted happy. I never took medication, and I can tell you it was a horrible time in my life. To think that someone was forced to succumb to that pressure to overcome their problems truly makes me feel sick.:(:(

    The human life is ultimately the best gift one can receive, it's weird to think that something we take advantage of every second of our lives can so quickly disappear forever.

    As we have no knowledge currently of what happens after death, I think it is safe to assume that your emotions are no longer part of yourself and you simply become a part of the infinite universe and its elements. Even if one can still think after death, It is my guess that these thoughts would be in no way connected to your old self, and one wouldn't know who their old self even was.

    This of course is my opinion, and I understand proper thought processes are in no way possible for those who are that depressed, however it disgusts me to think this could be caused by bullying in my school, or in college.

    People have to start realizing that words really can cut like knives. Some act like words may not effect them, which may even be true. But thinking before you speak is extremely important, you never know what someone is going through. They may seem happy, they may act like a dick, but it's just important to keep your head high and treat everyone with respect and as if they were your family.

    Try being kind and caring more often, you'll notice that not only does it improve your move and your behaviors, but people will begin to open up more to you and look at you as a role model and as someone they can talk to and know that regardless of their situations, they aren't going to be judged.

    I find it harder to find a truly miserable, unappreciative fuck than it is to find someone who genuinely just wants to get along with people and not feel as if they are being made fun of or judged behind their backs.

    Although I felt compelled to write this, even If I stop one person from saying something ruthless about someone else for their own ego or for comedy purposes, you never know if that person attempted suicide before, and knowing that some people truly aren't as stable in the head as you are.

    Respect goes a long way people, I'm not saying it isn't human nature to fight and make jokes, but just think before you speak, I guarantee if you bullied someone to suicide you not only will be in jail in today's society, but you will feel so horrible about yourself for the rest of your life, you may not even find it worth living yourself.

    Peace blades, not trying to be depressing here but a perfectly normal, nice kid that wasn't nerdy, ugly, or any of that shit killed himself over the inconsiderate actions of teenagers and young adults. Grow up and give the herb a GOOD name and soon we will all be living peacefully, 1 person at a time.
  2. And know how to take a joke kids
    its all really really sad
    anytime I say something that could be "offensive" to someone, its something they oughta be able to laugh at..
  3. As shitty as it sounds natural selection does its job.. It is better that he offed himself then did something stupid and endangered the lives of others.. Sorry for the loss anyways..
  4. He probably should have gotten help first..

    But whatever. I'm heading out to get some double bacon cheeseburgers with fries and a milkshake.


  5. I just try to refrain from joking about others. People use others faults and imperfections to gain favor with the group.

    The "cool kids" in grade school were usually the ones picking on the quiet or different kids.

    Id rather be accepted for being the amiable, boring guy, then loved for being that jerk who's always making you laugh at the expense of others.
  6. Alot of people need to man up....suicide and depression sucks ass dicks...but when i was depressed toward the end of my depression i was like wtf man you gotta stop being a fuck ass bitch and slowly but surely i shook it off and now im happy.
  7. It's sad to hear about people killing myself... Sadly it happens and it can't be changed. Sometimes when people kill themselves, it's not just bullying. It's family and only a matter of time. A girl killed herself her last year, and I asked my old teacher, whose daughter knew the girl, why she did it. The news said bullying was the cause, and I don't feel that's the whole story.

    It turns out, that included to the bullying, her parents treated her like shit and her family didn't care about her whatsoever. If anything had gone seriously wrong in her eyes, say she had gotten rejected by a guy she really liked or failed an important test, she would have done it. So while bullying still affected her, it wasn't the only cause.

    I doubt that bullying was the only cause of his suicide, but it didn't help. So while I agree about bullying being bad, a kind word in general helps. I saw kids being bullied when I was in school and then others give them kind words afterwards. They kept going because of the kind words and having someone tell them they are worth something.

    So more important then not bullying, is having the decency to actually counter act what they had happen to them.
  8. Absolutely.

    If you have trouble at home, your going to be in a bad mood. You leave the house hoping to escape it but depression is obvious even when you think you hide it. It makes you an easy target for people looking for an easy laugh. Something about being emotionally wounded brings out hostility and cruel jokes from the herd.

    If you see someone who looks down, give them a smile and ask how they are, even pay them a compliment. You never know how much it can mean to someone just to hear a friendly word or two.
  9. I agree about treating people how you wanna be treated. Especially since i have social anxiety disorder.

  10. I agree on the not endangering someone else because i know someone who did off himself but he did it into an oncoming semi and the semi driver burned alive according to reports.

    Not cool.
  11. Not gonna lie, didn't read all of the first post. With that said and even though it probably makes me sound like a dick, I refuse to feel sorry for anyone who is selfish enough to take their own life. It sucks for their family and friends, but they made the choice to leave in that manner at that time and don't really have anyone to blame but themselves. I've even considered it myself, but in the end I know it's never going to be worth it. There are better ways to deal with your problems then ending your life... shocking, I know.

    And I've known 3 people (all teenagers) who have killed themselves, two girls in my freshman year of high school and one dude senior year who was the first of 4 of classmates to die that year.

  12. I was dead on the inside through the last part of middle school and first half of high school. I feel for those people who couldn't kill themselves emotionally until things got better for them, because I could have easily been one of them. So I hope that you can move through this without to many problems, because you seem like a good person.

    Good vibes man, you deserve em.
  13. Being a good person and doing the right or nice thing can make a huge difference for you and everyone.
  14. I knew a kid who killed himself just to hurt his parents, because they took away his vehicle. I dont pity him whatsoever.
  15. Damn man. It blows.
    I knew a guy who killed himself too. It sucks that people don't care about others (I mean like for him bullying) sellfishness in people fucking sickens me.
    I feel you. Now i will proceed to take a bowl for him and you.

    Btw i agree with twitchydude.

  16. ive never understood this kind of thinking, i mean its not like hed be able to see his parents being hurt anyways :confused_2:
  17. How selfish is it to tell someone they have to continue living a shitty life just so you can feel cared about? O think about it.
  18. Youre just thinking with your emotional side of your brain because this event let out emotions. But logic and reason would say otherwise. I know its hard to swallow but every single person on the planet has issues, hardships, whatever. It doesnt mean theyre going to give up. You really think getting made fun of a little bit is something to end your life over? If so, your weak. Trust me, I have seen it, there are people living TERRIBLE lives. And it has nothing to do with getting picked on. Also, in the end, it was his decision.
  19. Most important of all, is love. Love everyone and and cherish what you do have, because unfortunately life is very random and you never know what may happen tomorrow.
  20. this thread makes me wanna kill myself..

    my soul is so black

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