Young plant looking droopy

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Vael, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Plant is a little over a week old and is sitting under this light along side 5 other similarly aged sprouts. None of the other plants seem to be effected, and I have been watering them just about daily sometimes twice a day as the soil seems to dry out rather quickly. I was wondering if this could be due to over-watering? or perhaps under-watering? I am using an organic no nutrients added soil blend and have a oscillating fan in the room nearby. Just looking for any tips to help this little guy get his green back.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. its fine. lol. just give it a few more days. its prob. over wattering. give it a few days to recover. and btw can you pm me how old the plant is please. i will forget to come back here and look if you post it. thanks
  3. Is the yellow from the camera or is that the actual color of the leaves? Also drooping leaves is often attributed to a watering problem. I am having the same problem with slightly older plants, I am waiting for a reply on it but I assume it is over watering (though I am using drip hydro in clay pebbles which should drain very well). But yea your problem might be over watering.
  4. clear pots are bad for roots.

    roots like no light.
  5. I didn't even notice the pots. Your plants are too small to put roots out that far yet, but I would tape those up or switch pots very soon.
  6. Mine looked like that too at first. It was a combination of overwatering and being too close to the lights. I didn't water for 4 days after and moved them another inch and a half away from the lights and they bounced right back.
  7. #8 Col Krumpet, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    They look like they're drooping after a heavy watering. Plants will tend to do this because heavy watering also flushes most of the oxygen out of the soil as it runs out the bottom. It should spring up after a day or so.
    You can also try taking a toothpick or a bamboo skewer and CAREFULLY AND GENTLY aerate your soil by poking holes in the soil from the sides of the pot to just NEAR the plant. You do not want to take the chance of damaging the roots especially while they are still this young so not to close. This forces air back into the soil. You only have to go a few inches deep at this point. I usually do this every couple weeks or so.
    Another thing you can try is using an air compressor if you have access to one and oxygenate your water before watering the plants, they'll benefit from the extra O2, this is a plus if you don't feel confident enough to aerate the soil yourself.
    Oh and even though its been said before I have to say it again. Lose the clear pots, the light will burn the roots which does bad things to our beloved little plants.
    I'm still a very novice grower myself but I hope that helps you out some. Happy growing :smoke:

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