Young Love

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Bast4rdlyJoe, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. If you have ever had a crush, lover, or a admiration for someone in the highschool environment. Post her/him here, and maybe talk about them a bit.
    Just DO NOT type any last names, for safety reasons...
    Try not to link a pic through her facebook, put the pic in an email and send it to yourself, and then link it through your email.

    Here's mine! isnt she cute! I always wanted to ask her out, i think that she liked me
    but i didn't want her to be with me, cause i didnt want her to know how i felt inside.
    I am really a mess on the inside. i love everyone but myself. Maybe she was better
    off without me. i love her, but if we're meant for each other we will meet again...
  2. highschool love suuuucks. i feel you though, love and care for everyone but myself. it messes you up, cause a lot of people just screw you over. i dont really want to post a pic of mine, but she's my recent ex after 1 and a quarter years. bbbad stuff, but it is what it is
  3. First off, I think "younG" love is so annoying to hear! No one looks at old people and say they're old love. Love is love and once you find it you will know you found it! Anyways I guess you can say my love is "young" love because we met in highschool and she is the greatest thing that happend to me :)
  4. Creep ass
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. young love is a waste of time.
  6. Built her up from nothing for 2 years.

    Had a great time, no real regrets.

    The only boyfriend she had sexually assaulted her. I was next in line & gave her the world. She was self-conscious, shy, and a bit of a loner.

    By the time college rolled around she just had so much self confidence that she wanted to "experience" other people. I didn't matter anymore and I lost a good friend from elementary.
  7. She wanted the dick
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. My highschool romance oddly began in college. I was dating a girl that attended one of those running start programs at a local college. She was shy, a tad bit crass, and very unknown to the ways of the world. On top of that, it was like pulling teeth to get her to go outside and do something, or even just try something new. She was very attractive, which I'm sure in her mind gave her a sense of power.

    In the end, she ran into some family issues, let them boil and it began to influence our relationship in a negative way. I carried her through many emotional issues, all the while she wanted to break free from this town, and this "shitty life" as she might put it.

    I wasn't entirely unhappy with our relationship, but I also knew that I couldn't live with an obstinate woman that had no desire to improve her life. It wasn't all bad of course, but in the end..being bored in a relationship can be one of the worst things.

    It lasted 3.5 years, after which time I decided being bored sucks, and I found a much better woman to spend my days with.

    Edit: I'm definitely not posting her picture. It seems rather useless, unless you just want high school chicks to jack off to. :p And I'm pretty sure they aren't too hard to find.
  9. A chick named Simona, began being friends with her. Fast forward to beginning of grade 12, were best friends already and I tell her I had feelings for her.

    Her response was 'Oh'.
    After that, found out she hooked up with a guy randomly.
    Decided to cut her out of my life, she balled her eyes out on me when I told her were gonna have to stop being best friends.

    Now, 9 months later, we still see each other, and yeah I can tell she misses me, and I def miss her. But in no way am I going that bitch who led me on. She was the only chick in the school who stood out and I actually fell for.

    Meh, lifes a mission.

  10. If you can't handle a girl who's hooked up with other guys you're gonna hate college
  11. Everyone I had talked to said it was a bad idea "you'll get hurt".

    so I did it anyway me and her texted each other for a good 2 months and talked whenever we could in class. finally i got the nerve to ask her to a dance (she had a boyfriend on/off at the time...) she said yes which was surprising (little did i know that she had friend zoned me in the first week).I had a good time but she was a big drama queen there and i realized that it couldnt work and i should just quit wasting my time with her.

    she got back together with her on/off BF and they got engaged last year.

    i felt used and depressed

    i dont think i have been that close to anyone in my entire life

    all this happened in october of 2009.
  12. #12 Deleted member 197774, Jul 3, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2020
  13. ^ Wow. Where to begin with that one :bolt:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. You have 600+ what now and where? Lmaoooo also why????

  15. How old was she when she sent you these pictures?? If the answer is under 18 you're a nonce..
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Let's do some maths, class.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  17. Dude high school is 16 & under in the UK lol college is 16-18 then university is 18+ :confused_2: how old is the chick the dude has 600+ nudes off lmaooo
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Fucking yikes.
    • Agree Agree x 2

  19. I dont do anything bad with them, and she didnt tell me to delete the them either and none of my gfs since really cared. Plus 600 seems like way way too much to delete, I put work in for that lol. Gave up almost 2 years of my life and some friends at the time. I dont send them to anyone or show them to anyone and only my 2 closest friends know i still have them, and now you guys do too.

    I think I just needed to get it off my chest Maybe it is my next step toward deleting them.
  20. [​IMG]
    Wakeup McFly this was posted Apr 9, 2011 she aint young

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