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You stay classy, San Diego..

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by loveyourfaceeee, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. #1 loveyourfaceeee, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010
    24, in the Army, new to SD and new to the site. I moved here from NC so I'm a southern girl in So-Cal. It's pretty interesting! I hope to connect with people around here. This place is so big, most green is legal, and that all just makes me happy!

    Get at me in my inbox if ya are in the are and want to chill. NEW smoke buddies ALWAYS welcomed!
  2. Welcome. :wave:
  3. Welcome to GC!!

  4. hey :wave: im new to San Diego too, 23 from New Jersey. my husband's in the military
  5. i didn't know you could be in the army and smoke!
    i thought they drug tested?

    nice to meet you :D :wave:

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