i get high before school alot and i have to take the city bus. i dont make fun of anyone and respect everyone but damn i seen some interesting fellows the past week. Yesterday i saw a old man dressed in yellow short shorts and a tank top and like tube socks and a head band. he looked like those 80s work out people so groase. The day before that i was sittin on the benches waiting for the buses talking to my friend and a lady behind me is like cross eyed but her eyes point outwards and she screams DONT you fucking ever do that!!!!ive seen a 200 pound guy in a wheel chair with midget legs do a wheelie, a old lady with pink hair, a guy training some kind of kung fu waiting for the bus, a 8 foot giant security guard.my friend got punched 3 times in a row by a girl on the bus because he kept making fun of her and saying she had climitia. The bus isnt half bad lol pretty entertaining....oh yeah i also talked to a guy who got out of prison and i traded him some purps for his bc.
hahah ya dude thats so straight, i love looking at people and thinking what kind of animal they look like
you saw that while you were high? or what im high and confused. That would truly be wierd i guess lol
It wasnt really a strange occurance but one time I was riding my motorcycle in a field blazed as fuck and I saw a deer and started chasing it. Welll the deer ran out in front of a car and totally smashed the whole front of the car up. The guy was fine but he had to be airlifted to the hospital. So I guess he wasnt that fine. But hey was it really my fault? I still feel bad though.