High all. Well I'm writing you guys to tell you to go to the artist's corner. My room mate does these drawings and I think he'd be good at being an artist. About 1 1/2 weeks ago he sold one of his drawing for a $ 120.00. He needs to hear how you guy think about what he's drawing. He needs to know that the world does appreciate his work or could. It would be a great deal for me if you could do that and reply to the post. Tell him what you think.. It under my name firerush2001. Thanks for your time....
It's bump old, failed thread day... @Hybrid Civilian @smokeout69 @KillaNugz12 @AR Toasty @Goblin_smasher @dementiax @Digga man
I am a snack baby gurl! *Snap snap* but you ain't about to get a lick of this lollipop. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Whoa a time portal. Guys anyone wanna play PS2 games and drink soda all day? It's 2002 and gta vice city just came out.
Still one of the greatest soundtracks, and pastel palettes of any video game imo. Pro skater 4 was pretty good too. Kung Pow was watched many times that year