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You know you've had enough when...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Medicinal MJ, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Finish the statement!

    You know you've had enough when...
  2. You freak out that you lost your pipe, when it was in your hand the whole time.
  3. You remember you were supposed to go to work... yesterday.
  4. When you remember the juice carton says "shake before opening" but you forgot you already opened the juice, and make a huge mess.

  5. LOL I have done that multiple times.
  6. You blow into your bong to push the water from the percs into the base only to realize you have not yet pulled out the downstem.. :eek:

  7. You freak out that you lost your lighter, when it was in your hand the whole time.
  8. [quote name='"treezpleez"']You blow into your bong to push the water from the percs into the base only to realize you have not yet pulled out the downstem.. :eek:[/quote]

    Dude I fuckin HATE that!
  9. You can only be understood by other high people
  10. staring at the refrigerator for 10minutes because every single thing looks so damn good I cant choose what I want...

    Eventually ending up eating everything.
  11. I forget that merijuanas are not units of measurement.

  12. lolwut
  13. when you're out of weed.
  14. when you're having a conversation, but then forget what the topic was about.?
  15. You and your buddy are talking about getting spotted smoking by cops and start talking about how you're going to fight off the federal government cracking down on dispenseries with swords and machine guns.

    You're extra high if the conversation gets to a point where you have no clue how it could have gotten there.
  16. You just stare off into space in the middle of the conversation, zoned out.
  17. when you mix up your drink with the billy and smash the bong water down.. :)
  18. When your mid blunt hit and you see police lights behind you.... true story... Don't worry it got dismissed the cop was an idiot and messed everything on my ticket up >.>

  19. Did this once.... I didn't think it tasted that bad.... >.>
  20. Your licking your armpit with your foot, then you realize your not a cow so you eat marmite.

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