"You know you're too high when..."

Discussion in 'General' started by ParbakeJake, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Firstly! Sorry if this type of thread is already around somewhere :) :smoke:

    Equal to "you might be a redneck"

    Anyone have any good jokes with these sentences.
    "you know you're too high when..."
    "you know you're high when..."
    or "you know a smoker when..."

    You know you're a smoker when filling the ice cube trays means you had a productive day.

    I may be just be really :smoking:
  2. You know you're high when you're looking for a lighter, and check everywhere but your hand.
  3. you know your high when you are boggled on how to fold a paper menu at work...true story
  4. You know you're too high when you are trying to get inside your apartment only to realize it's your neighbor's door below you...
  5. You know your high when your blazin in a car a and misplace the weed,after minutes of searching you realize its on your lap
  6. you know your too high when you call your girlfriend in another room and ask "babe, have you seen my phone?" to which she replies "umm what did you call me on... high bastard"
  7. You know you're too high when you think you've misplaced the rest of your bud. So you sit there all sad and stuff, take a few hits off the bowl.

    Then you realize the weed you 'lost' was the weed you just smoked in the packed bowl.
  8. You drink loads of water, pop, and eat crappy food...only to vomit. on carpet stairs.
  9. you know your too high when you forget to use the search button :)
  10. you know you're too high when the airplane cabin depressurizes.
  11. Lmao.
  12. youre hungry but forget to get something to eat..
  13. You know your high when the room your baking out has a layer of smoke from the cieling to the middle of the room and clear air from the middle to the floor and you stand in it taking in deep breathes like your life depended on it.
  14. you know you're too high when you're searching all over the bed and under pillows and blankets for the phone, and then you tweet about how you can't find your phone, from the phone that is currently being used in your hand.

    also - you know you're too high when the little dog that follows you everywhere like a shadow gets reaaaaaallllllyyyyy floppy from the smoke
  15. when you almost fall back in your chair and youre really just sitting still..happened just now i closed my eyes and tilted my head back i was laughin at how retarded i mustve looked :smoke:
  16. i forgot i made this post but i just found it again and i think it's the winner so far! :laughing:
  17. When you pump gas at a gas station and you drive off without remembering to take out the pump. This happened to me on the way to Las Vegas... hotboxed almost the whole way

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