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You know you're addicted to GrassCity when...

Discussion in 'General' started by MileHighChick, Jun 8, 2009.

  1.'re ok with being 5 minutes late to work so you can check a couple threads. attempt to tell non-member friends about funny convos you've had on GC, only to realize that they have no interest whatsoever.

    ...the "Dare to Post Your Pic" thread has more pictures of you than your myspace or facebook does.

    Let's hear some more, blades!
  2. - WHen you have a full rep bar
    - When you decline sex with your gf/bf because your checking the picture thread :smoking:
    - When you devote an entire day of your life to smoking weed and surfing grassscity (guilty)
  3. When you make a thread about being addicted to it. :D
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  4. I do that all the time with quotes and stories I read and they don't think it's funny. Kinda pisses me off

    ...When it's number one on your most visited sites
  5. When you sit down for 'just a few minutes to check new threads' only to realize you've spent the past 4 hours in the city!
  6. the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is to log on and check to see how many reps you got while you were asleep (positive or negative) :)

    you skip class because you just got the perfect idea for a thread and don't want it to slip your stoned mind.

    some weekends getting stoned on a Friday night after work and browsing GC for a few hours, hanging around with whatever GC crew is on at the time, sounds infinitely better than hanging out with actual people
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  7. haha, yea, foop, i prefer my GC friends to real friends sometimes too.
  8. good thread :D

    lmao so true :p

    ... you turn on your laptop and have the homepage up before even realising you clicked on this site.

    ... you start comparing things in real life with threads and conversations on here.:p

    ... you tell a bunch of mates about the site and try to convince them to join by showing them the picture threads and funny comments etc :p
  9. It's the first page you load in the first tab you open when you open your browser.
  10. :eek:

    I thought I was the only one! :laughing:
  11. It really is a nice little comunity we got on here. I know we got the odd troll and trouble maker. But theres some good people on here.:)

  12. Yea, this happens, but only because they're losers.
  13. When 99% of your reading comes from GC?
  14. When you don't have to click on smileys to embed them, you have all the typed out words with colons memorized so you can type them in quick reply :D :ey:
  15. I still can't do that and i have 5000 posts. :(

    I can do the simple ones.
  16. When you smoke a bowl at the same time as another member so you can smoke 'together'.
  17. Yea im guilty of trying to get people to join and telling them about funny shit that goes on here. they all make fun of me...

    but hey it's their loss they dont know the awsome people on here and its sad they are missing out on this wonderful place.

    yea i just woke up and wanted to check some threads before i ate breakfast lol.

    Edit: ^^^ that is awsome lol

    oh and you know your addicted to gc when you have it set as your hompage when you log on...
  18. Oh, and when you know more about what's going on with other members than you do people in your own family or group of friends.
  19. You're excited to get more rep bars!!!!! Like me! :hello:
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  20. when you accidentally refer to someone as a blade IRL

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