Sup guys you know you dont use the internet enought when you get a new laptop after moving out and your friend tells you to check out this site and it turns out you made a account a year ago ahha. In other news just chilling playing some elder scrolls on my new 42 inch lg (moving away gift) taking some bong rips
It is indeed very sexy i still only got the cheap non hd cable tv so television shows look fuzzy but for movies and gaming amaziiingg. Just gotta get a surround sound system now.
You know you don't use the internet enough when you think 'twitter' is a portmanteau for "twat glitter," a new fashion trend among young whores
ahaahaha thats whats up dude fuck twitter im still not fully aware on what it even is its like facebook i assume?
twitter is for people who feel like every thing they post is important. 9:02am "Just woke up, nice sunny day-prolly gonna go for a walk in a park. NOW IT SHOULD END THERE!!! BUT NOT ON TWITTER!!!! 9:05am "Just brushed my teeth, i should get a new toothbrush" 9:30am "What should i eat??? Cornflakes? Eggs?ETC ETC?" 9:45am "Decided to have both" 10:30am "No hot water........." 10:50am "YAYYYY the super came and fixed it" THATS FUCKING TWITTER!!! FUCK TWITTER!! ITS ANNOYING