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You know whats fucked up?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bukowski6425, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. When you're thinking in deep chains, and you come to an idea you know for a FACT that no one else has ever pondered? Its insane feeling.:confused:
  2. Lol you're pulling a Cleveland here. Refer to Roller Coaster episode. =P
  3. yea but there are so many people and there have been so much time like i when i feel like that i always think like hey i wonder who else thought of this and why they thought of it
  4. and then im like oh yea I'm just high :p

    *its all bullshit^^
  6. theres been so many minds in the history of humanity that the chances of you thinking of something no ones ever thought about is slim

  7. i'd say 100000000x less than slim, unless you're just plain crazy then you're always thinking of new shit people never want to think about
  8. I'm gonna veto this. I don't think anyone living on the planet right now has ever had a thought that no one has had before. Everybody keeps the majority of their thoughts to theirselves. And if they do share them only a small percentage will be recorded and saved in history. It makes me think about how all human minds are interconnected and we all think the same way. P.S. Try adderal. You go through so many thoughts that you don't even remember 99% of them.
  9. no,no,no,no! u r not the only ONE!
  10. Well right now my thought is "time to roast this vape" I'm sure MANY people have though that before! :smoking:

  11. At one point, there has to be someone that had a thought that nobody else had. Like the first guy who decided to smoke weed.
  12. lol i used to try and think up the weirdest shit
    then someone told me that if you can think it, its probably happened
    but that cant be.... :confused:

  13. truth can be weirder than fiction, you know the things that just make you go..."what?"

  14. i once knew a guy who had a nailin his knee...

  15. just watched that. very funny.
  16. dude, i bet some natives were burning the "weed' that is marijuana, and got really stoned. then they became stoners. case closed.
  17. what the fuck are you guys talking about? no one has ever thought of something new? umm music, tv shows, movies, websites, drawings, any art really. i mean cmon. ppl are even thinkin up new weed strains constantly. i know its very hard, but have a little faith in humanity. open your minds :smoke:
  18. man back then theyd have like a whole big plant cuz obviously it grew out in the open out in nature. theyd take a whole mature plant and gather around it. light that shit, and throw a blanket over themselves and theyd all hold a piece of it and theyd have like a little hotbox thing. rippin a whole plant with the tribe.

    edit: but actually to address what you said, you know ppl were smoking weed way before native americans right?
  19. ya man i know what you mean

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