you know what i want?

Discussion in 'General' started by crawford, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. for a bunch of cops to come on here and realize that were all nice people, and not "dick face-no life stoners" that we are sterotyped as
  2. Umm there are quite a bit of "dick face-no life stoners" on here.

    Only way to break the stereotype is for potheads to stop being the stereotype. I'm not saying all of us are (I'm certainly not, and know of dozens here who aren't either) but there is definitely a large portion of our population still perpetuating that stereotype.

  3. Lol nice sig, that would be nasty as hell!!!
  4. That sounds alike a good idea, but the problem is that cops are tremendously fucking retarded douchebags and never realize anything they aren't told to by the "law."
  5. when you have a problem caused by several factors changing one thing won't change the whole system.
  6. Now you're just stereotyping all cops the way some cops stereotype all potheads.
  7. Not really. When did I say they're all like that? Just most of 'em. That's obvious just from casual observation of their actions.
  8. Those who embrace the stereotypes are much more visible. There are tons of smokers who you would never guess puff. Responsible member of society who go to work each day are active in their communities and enjoy a smoke in the privacy of their home are simply not on the radar. I highly doubt anyone looking at me, or speaking with me for a little while would guess that I enjoy marijuana. That is why it is incumbent on this group of silent stoners to be at the forefront of activism and education. Only by coming out of the closet (no, not that closet) can we encourage people to reconsider their position and challenge the stereotypes. I do agree with the OP, if cops would take the time to see the people they arrest in more human terms that things would be better.
  9. That's where. You didn't say "some cops" or a "few cops," so logic dictates that you meant all cops.

    Not wanting to argue semantics, but I just think it's awfully funny when weed smokers complain about cops ("fuck the police!") and lump them all into one category, and then complain that they're being lumped into the same category as the burnout, worthless stoners.
  10. I wonder if there is a cop on
  11. What good would it do? The servers are based in The Netherlands, and unless you're stupid enough to post your full name and address alongside pics of your grow they can't do anything to you.
  12. i dont think theres such a thing as burnout worthless people

    if there are then everyone is...

  13. I know, I'm just sayin, that would be funny
  14. Then you need to open your eyes.

    I agree with the idea of the inherent worth of all men, but when all you do is sit around doing drugs all day, with no job and no aspirations to get a job, no degree, mooching/stealing off of other people to get your drugs, then you are just that: worthless.
  15. i sit around doing drugs all day but i still have school and work

    the only reason i go to college and have a job and generally kind of successful in life is by circumstances. if i were in a different situation like from a inner-city low-income sort of background i would also not go to school and not work.

    so your success life can't always be derived from your behavior.
  16. Omission is not confirmation.

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