You have not lived until...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by gismo, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. The title is pretty self explanatory. Post what you think to be something everybody should try.

    I'll start, you have not lived until you've been bungee jumping, high or otherwise. (I was high, 21st birthday present.)

    Your turn.
  2. You come out of your mom
  3. You play a good rousing game of paintball with some buddies.
  4. trip and lay day with to blunts one in each hand
  5. Wake up with the one you love.
  6. You have not lived until you have died. Isn't that the only correct statement?
  7. You have not lived until you have kicked back and blazed at midnight, looking at the stars and the moon, while listening to Frank Sinatra. Such a magical experience, TRUST ME.
  8. you've eaten a triple baconator on shrooms and high.

    Or until you've gone to at least one drug...I mean music festival.

  9. thats true I suppose. 'You have not lived until' is past tense.
  10. Quit a job without giving notice.
  11. you haven't lived until you've smoked a 6 pape while getting a blow job and watching reefer madness tripping on mushrooms.
  12. you have loved
  13. ...until u have seen Bassnectar live
  14. " ... you have had your girlfriend suck a nut out, causing you to tweak like a crack head."
  15. ....until u have killed a man, then raped him
  16. you have done ecstasy ;)
  17. you have shot your load down your girls throat as she deepthroats you to the ballz..then she smiles and says ...mmm that was tasty
  18. you have not lived until you have been able to fool your own self...
  19. pulled off an outdoor grow.....and not just a plant or two, im talking like 50 min.

    on my list of things to do this summer.
  20. i dont reckon you've lived til you've come close to dying. only then can you truly appreciate being alive.

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