What I'm doing: Decarboxylated 7 grams of high quality in over at 230 degrees F for 30 minutes Soaked grinded decarbed ingredient in 40ML Vegetable Glycerin 16ML PG mix Double boiled at a simmer for 2 hours (shaken every 15 mins) Strained ------- In process of the double boil now Mixed with a few drops of flavored ejuice Sent from the iThrone using Tapatalk
You dont need to decarboxylate if youre gonna be vaping it. The only time you should decarb is if youre making edibles as the cannabinoids are not active until heated up. Decarbing weed to make ejuice is like decarbing weed before you smoke it, its just pointless since the heat from your vaporizer will decarb it -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-