You're supposed to sit up straight, with your lower spine pushed forward and your knees above your hips. And to set the mood:
[quote name='"RipIt1"']i'm so high i cant even begin to contemplate what that sitting position looks like[/quote] Good posture with a foot stool
[quote name='"thestonedstoner"']I poop like this[/quote] When you sit like that, the tube inside of your ass, also known as the "rectum", is kinked similar to a garden hose.
[quote name='"Capsule Sun"'] Imagine squatting over a hole in the ground to take a shit. Or basically, an Asian toilet.[/quote] That's how us Homos are supposed to poop! And that's the easiest way for shit to come out. That's why pooping like The Thinker up there is hard. Well, not hard, but it comes out slower.
[quote name='"WeedNotDrugs"']I just take a shit man, as long as it comes out I'm good.[/quote] As long as toilet paper touches my ass, I'm good.
I don't mind the added length because when I'm on the toilet I either ponder about life, or dick around on my phone.
[quote name='"thestonedstoner"'] I don't mind the added length because when I'm on the toilet I either ponder about life, or dick around on my phone.[/quote] Well I don't speed-poop or anything. I made this thread while taking a shit.