haha pretty tight Schwarzeneger is such a pothead lol.... for real tho I cant wait to see what happens in November
You guys always have been I know Florida will probably be the last state to do anything like this, hence why I want to move to Cali. It's not like I wanted to stay in this assfuck of a state anyways
Cali is where I want to settle now. OC here I come, just gotta get through college first, then find a job.
I hope to see something similar happen in Nevada. We've got every evil you could ask, now if they just legalized the good, we'd have balance.
Yay, whippee, fuckin great, careful what you wish for...... For a little more disscussion on the matter.... http://forum.grasscity.com/politics/674980-california-decriminalized-marijuana-today.html
Badass, hey and if it does maybe some of the rich californians who moved to our state in the last 10 years will go home!
If Proposition 19 is passed in California, I pray that the nationwide Cannabis community decides to stay in their respective locations and do everything in their power to pass similar initiatives within their state legislature. We have the opportunity to do something really profound as an ever-expanding culture in this society, and it should not be taken lightly. If every state loses their fighting voice to the one state that has decided to legalize Marijuana, then we can forever surrender the possibility of the federal government accepting similar propositions being accepted nationally.
If it does become legalized, it's only a matter of time before other states will follow..especially if people start moving to Cali.
I felt like as I was reading this, the American flag was blowing in the wind behind me and a bald eagle flew by.
What if we planned to move there anyways? Surely not everyone is going to move to California just for weed. I never planned to stay in Florida. It's Florida!
Oh, don't misunderstand, I didn't mean to suggest that everyone should buckle down and stay where they are simply to fight for legalization, especially if they were planning on moving elsewhere anyway. By all means, go about your life as you were planning to, but it would be a great tragedy to see everyone move to California just because of Proposition 19 instead of using it as a stepping stone to further legalization efforts in their home states. Of course, that kind of thing only truly works if you are genuinely happy with where you are living. If you hate Florida, which I don't blame you for in the slightest, then by all means, get the hell out!