My Pops has been growing a long time. But he's never encountered this. We know what Verticillium Wilt is. And that's the only thing we could think of. I know it happens in Trees and Shrubs. But it can also happen in Cannabis Cultivars. It could possibly be something else. But there's no Bug bites on the Branches. Or holes burrowed in the stock. And the plant has 2 branches that started Wilting randomly. But the rest of the plant is fine. Also our other plants next to the affected plant. Are all doing fine. Just wanted to ask you guys. I've been doing this shit a long time too. But I've never seen this in a actual plant of ours. "But I do grow mainly Indoors these days". He cut the 2 branches off. Because they had deteriorated way worse then they were yesterday. The plants are watered good etc. So I'm kinda stumped lol. You'll see the stalk has this white color to it. And you'll see the spots where he cut the 2 branches off. Also I'll post a few pics of the other ladies stalks. If you guys can think of anything else. Post away! And responses are Much Appreciated. I edited the post and added in a picture from yesterday. Of the 2 Branches when they started Wilting.
I asked him that too. Cause it looked like that to me as well. I haven't gotten over there to look at it in person. I asked him if he seen any bite marks etc... And he said no. I thought the big what spot on the stalk looked like something has been biting on it. But he says he doesn't think it is. I'm gonna go over there in a day or 2. And see if I can see any bite marks. He's getting older. So it's possible. That he's just not seeing it really well. That's for the reply brother.
I'm also thinking it's a fungus. I had something similar once but can't remember if it was on a pot plant or a tomato plant. I think it's cutting off food and water transport to the branches causing them to die. I doubt those fans will stop it but I give your dad credit for trying.
I've seen another user with something like that. Looked like a 1-2" section of the stem went necrotic. I think it was a fungus or disease of some type.
Yea that's what Verticillium Wilt is bro. It's a Fungus that gets in your dirt. And kills the plant. Or part of it anyway. If you cut the affected branches off. Don't put them in your compost etc. Cause the Verticillium lives in the stalk for awhile. And it will spread to your compost pile. Or at least that's what I've been told. Never actually seen it until now. But I'm pretty sure that's what this is. Thanks for the reply man. Sucks he's had this hit his crop. He really worked hard on his ladies this year.
Also if it is Verticillium. They say it can't be cured. So the plant will slowly die over time. Just hope the rest of it can make it to harvest.
Just a little Update guys. The Verticillium hit the rest of the Early Lemon Berry. It's all good the others are doing great still. Just wanted to let you guys know. He's gonna cut that plant out later tonight.