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You got dat kush niqqqqq

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by success, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. So around where I live "Chicago" people refer to dank weed as kush. Like " yo man you got dat kush bra"? I was trying to help this guy out since he was dry and I was giving him my suppliers number and he's like "he got dat kush right? I don't fuck wit nutin but kush." I'm just like yea bro its
    Dank. God damn it really annoys me. Ik that the reason it's called kush is that it was originally grown in Afghanistan or some arab country in like the rocky kush mountains or some shit. Lmao I'm just bullshiting but it does annoy me when people refer to dank weed as kush.
  2. You mean the Hindu kush mountains in India lol

  3. Ahahaha yea I said I was just fuckin around. I was tryin to get some of you high bastards to laugh while I'm sittin here sober at work :smoke:
  4. [quote name='"livinlifebro"']

    Ahahaha yea I said I was just fuckin around. I was tryin to get some of you high bastards to laugh while I'm sittin here sober at work :smoke:[/quote]


  5. Lmao did it just confuse you? Or did you think I was retarded
  6. Mission accomplished....
  7. Yea bro i know what you mean im from the south suburbs & all they say is i got that kush or loud. Its really annoying that most of the dealers that sell dank only sell them in dime bags & not as weight.Its Fucking annoying. I cant find a dealer that sells weight like a ounce or a quarter. Lol i gotta buy 6 bags for 50 bucks lol
  8. Personally, I don't go to dealers who use incorrect terminology.

    Again, that's just me.

  9. I hate people like you

  10. Same here bro, but my guys sell in weight. Lots of stoners out here.
  11. "You got that stupid loud brahhh?"

  12. Nah man it's kush (;
  13. ^haha the kush mountain joke had me stumped:D
    But this thread has me giggling:smoke:

  14. ahahah thanks mann :smoke:, i just got off work bouta blazeeee.
  15. Loud is actually not that bad. If they say loud you know it's going to stink and be dank. Kush is just annoying because they're misusing the word. Kush doesn't mean good, it's a strain... :p

  16. they always say it on the radio, they're like " how many yall smokin on dat loud tonight?" and shit like that.
  17. [quote name='"livinlifebro"']

    Lmao did it just confuse you? Or did you think I was retarded[/quote]

    2nd 1 til i read the end
  18. In Hawaii we call the good stuff "Crip"
  19. Thats either a ghetto ***** or an un-intelligent smoker. Could go either way lol
  20. Kush originated from india/pakistan, and in my language it means 'happy' or 'good' - so thats probably why its called kush lol. Seems kinda weird that my ancestors were probably smokin on some dank homegrown shit but my parents are born here in england and totally anti-weed :(

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