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You can tell your smoking with a rookie when...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by IamTheTruth, Jun 2, 2009.

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  1. You can tell your smoking with a rookie when they ask you if they look high!
  2. #2 burandino, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2009
  3. aha got em'. rookies do usually ask that question. also if someone is visibly paranoid.
  4. You explain to them how to corner a bowl! Its not that hard but no one knows how....
  5. when the person fills the bong with smoke, does not pull out the bowl...and proceeds to pass the bong like he just took a fat rip..
  6. When the wet the hell out of a blunt...and dont know why you look at them with that what the fuck look on your face.
  7. cornering is for noobs, ive never heared of that before until i read it dont corner bowls you snap them one at a time.
  8. Not if your trying to conserve.
  9. When they pass on their turn in the circle, because they've smoked enough allready.
  10. When they can't understand the concept of a GBer and they start to take it to the face, but then can't clear a GB. Funny shit. These two kids last night just couldn't get it under control hahaha

  11. Only noobs think cornering is for noobs.

    You can tell you're smoking with a rookie when he says things like 'You can tell you're smoking with a rookie when...'
  12. lol:D

  13. now believe a seasoned toker...been blzing for a long time...but where im from i have never heard of "cornering a bowl" my guess is that once the bowl has been cashed a little bit then you pack it anyone??
  14. hahah beat me to it

  15. Cornering is when you only light the corner of a fresh bowl so that 4 people can get a green hit, as opposed to torching the whole bowl at once
  16. I disagree, sometimes I ask just because im to lazy to look in the mirror. (not that I really care how baked I look)
  17. ... they think theres such things as proffesional weed smokers.
  18. cornering is for noobs, ive never heared of that before until i read it dont corner bowls you snap them one at a time.[/quote]

    Nah man. You both are right.

    Snaps are wonderful if you're smoking by yourself or in a small group, but if your passing a bong around 5 or 6 people it can get tedious. If your in a larger rotation, cornering a push or button bowl can keep it fresh to get most of the way, if not all the way around the circle with decent hit's using a good cornering techniques.
  19. When they ask if you can roll a joint for them
  20. I consider myself fairly seasoned (just new to this forum) and I still do this.
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