
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Fabio Kush, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Wattuppp stoners! Fabio here, new to the forums and the city, how's everyone doingg? I got a question for all you guyss, what's the best weed you ever smoked?
  2. Ayeee Welcome to the City, and I guess Sour Diesel but I'm still pretty new to weed lol. You should make a thread about this in the General section if you wanna see a lot of replies. Have fun!
  3. Haha that sounds good. And thanks! Will do:)
  4. Whats up man? Where you located at?

  5. West des moines brotha. You?
  6. Salt Lake City, Utah. You are quite a ways away from me. lol
  7. Haha damn right. Wished I lived there though, I have a friend that lives there.
  8. Well if you ever make it down here, message me and we will chill. Why do you want to live here? Its all a bunch of fucked up mormons and prick kids.
  9. Idk lol just sounds fun I guess. I hear there's good green down there too haha
  10. I guess its not that bad of a place. And there is some pretty good green here:)
  11. Haha exactly lol I wanna go there
  12. a doobie a friend gave me from his vietnam tour,it was thai-stick and nepalese temple turd hash with little white dots of opium in it.....the best..everrr

  13. Damnnn mayne that sounds pretty damn good

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