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Yo i just Jamaican Hot box'd

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MW2, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 MW2, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    And heres how to not get caught:
    Step 1:Towel under door:keeps the smell from getting out
    Step 2:Window open: best way of keeping the smell out of bathroom
    Step 3:Axe liberally.
    Step 5:If the wind in the window has steam coming in, fan it like a bird
    Step 6:steam up the shower with super hot watter
    Step 7:smoke some dank shit
    Step 8:make faces in the mirror at yourself
    Step 9:make a guide
    they are out of order
  2. Step 0: Utilize Search Function :D

  3. o ya:hippie::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::smoking::smoke:
  4. Or just smoke outside :rolleyes:
  5. Or...Be older than 18 and get your own house.

  6. Way too cold, and my car is being fixed
  7. Don't you need to close the window to Jamaican Hotbox? Or hotbox of any sort...

  8. well yeah, thats for after when you want to get rid of the smell
  9. Jamaicans have mirrors?
  10. I guess not cause they make thier hair like that.
  11. Jamaican me want to hot box my caa mon

  12. Becuase the OP is never 18 yo.

  13. Had to leave my friends house because i didn't want to get a job yet.

  14. ......


    i know right

    OOO. i just seen the part where you said they are out of order....
    thanks for numbering them anyway

    isnt it easier to think in order anyway?... for us and you....

    i guess uwere just real high

    i kno right. accusations are pointless
  15. Yes:bongin:

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