I used to be decently active in here, things have dropped off for many reasons; but I always thought that there were some pretty good minds in here. So now, I come to see what you think of an idea. I'm writing a paper for my Latin American Politics class, and I'm looking for some other opinions on my ideas. It has to do with institutional development of Latin American states, namely how institutional dwarfism impacted their developmental trajectory over the course of time from independence to... lets just say the 1960's? perhaps earlier. I'm arguing that the role of the Church as a non-state actor had a serious impact as did the economic disenfranchisement of the lower classes which lead to a disinterest in using political channels to change problems. Anyone have other ideas? Or any thoughts to flush this out? Much appreciated if anyone even knows wtf I'm talking about. Peace
Talk about how American interventionism in Central America has helped them remain poor and poverty stricken.