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yo check this nug

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by b0ngz, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. just bought a half bag and found this 6g nug, what do you reckon of it? anyone else got bigger?

    Attached Files:

  2. shit man that's quite nice :)
  3. haha thats nice man
  4. That's ridiculous homie! Never seen a nug quite that big in person..
  5. Nice one! :hello:

    I've got just a few... :p

    These aren't really the largest or the most impressive I've ever grown, but these are a few I've bothered to take shots of, some are more recent than others..

    A nug...


    The plant she came from, upper left side...


    West Aus clone-only, Feralocity aka 'Aussie Big Bud'. [​IMG]

    And a few more... some Feralocity, some Widow of Oz, some POG...








    And a bit of the average bloom room (around April, of this year)..


  6. That's some quality herb you got there.
  7. [quote name='"Jamaican Hotbox"']That's some quality herb you got there.[/quote]

    yeh it's good bud, smokes well
  8. Amazing.

    I wish I could grow bud like that.
  9. I'd love to find that. Haha
  10. that's looks fuckkn sick man. looks like some top quality shit too
  11. Just had to kill his moment, huh kitty? :rolleyes::p:p:cool:

    Edit: That big bud is fucking MAGNIFICENT
  12. If i had a pair of tits, this nug would be more then welcome to live between my pair. :yummy:

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