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yet another stupid paranoia thread.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by biorobotics, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. sorry for another one, but i'm freaking out right now and need to calm the fuck down.

    i'm back home for another week, and i've got myself set up with some weed, a small corn cob pipe, and a small lighter. however, i've only been able to smoke twice, in very small amounts, because i'm so paranoid about getting caught.

    i'm staying with my parents. my mom knows i smoke, and is more or less okay with it, but she's concerned about my dad's reaction (he's quite a bit less 'open' than she is), and i'm not comfortable enough with him to tell him i smoke or ask if it's okay to smoke in the house.
    i'm taking advantage of the few times i'm home alone, in my room, door closed, window open, blow smoke out the window. keeping the weed wrapped in tin foil, in a sealed zip lock bag, ashes in another zip lock, both in a small paper bag. paper bag is covering the lighter and the pipe (which is kind of dirty with ashes since i can't clean it), and all this stuff is in a corner bookshelf in my room, unfortunately with other small bookshelf spaces next to and below it.
    i doubt my parents will find my stash (unless my mom comes in looking for a book, but even then, all you can see is the paper bag); i'm mostly worried about neighbours suspecting/smelling something, and calling the cops, or waiting until there's a car in the driveway (i.e, when my parents are home) and either approaching my parents as they're coming to the house, or ring the doorbell and a parent answers. i would hope anyone smelling anything would come over here and ask about it before calling the police, but maybe not. what if a neighbour just calls and the police randomly show up at my door? and i don't want to get my parents in trouble, or pissed off, or anything to make the rest of my time here (another 9 days) really awkward and horrible.

    so, i'm blowing marijuana smoke out the front window on a residential street. how likely are my fears to come true? i just keep thinking over and over about all these awful scenarios happening and i can't enjoy my weed at all. :(
  2. Go outside and smoke.
  3. Hey man try to get away if you can, smoking in fear is no good. :smoking:
  4. Get a vape

  5. residential street, surrounded by houses, backyards, people...
  6. Use a sploof and cover the bowl then you won't have to blow out the window and even then you don't need to worry. Lol the house I live in is by the ocean so sometimes I'll be smoking a jay or hitting a pipe and a guy walking down towards the water saw me and he looked at me I waved and he did the peace sign back at me :D
  7. Make a sploof

    It's a tube with a bunch of dryer paper stuffed inside

    Then blow the smoke through that and out your window

    It will at least help by 50% and that's huge odds
  8. [quote name='"biorobotics"']

    residential street, surrounded by houses, backyards, people...[/quote]

    So? Is there no wooded areas around? Or any trails or anything? I also live in a residential area with houses backyards and people, but I go out to smoke just the same.

  9. So? Just be discreet and theres nothing worry about, nobody expects youto be smoking pot, walk around and take snappers
  10. Its very unlikely people will smell it. And even if they did smell something, how would they know? Unless they smoke or used to of course.
  11. Loosen up, go smoke outside jesus no ones going to see and if they do they will ignore
  12. I think you're overly worried. Most people aren't going to just randomly call the cops for smelling something let alone think it was your house specifically. I smoke on my back porch all the time and there are neighbors overlooking into my yard. I don't give a flying shit what they have to say about it to be honest. All your stuff is hidden away just take your hit, hide your shit, and relax. You said you smoke very little amounts, I know people who smoke blunts upon blunts in their house without neighbors saying a word. The smell is probably so minimal around you it's probably not noticeable. Take 1 hitters and don't let the bowl just billow with smoke. Again, I think you're just paranoid. Nothing to be worried about unless you have other shit we don't know about going on. Also, when I lived with my parents I would take 1 hitters with the window closed and they never smelt a thing. Very skunky weed too at times, the smell lingers in your nose and makes it seem like everything reeks.
  13. Don't worry, I'd say just use your backyard, it's a plus if you don't have any close by two story neighbors, but if not don't sweat. Idk what your neighborhood is like, but no one is going to smell weed if you are in your backyard, it's too open(hopefully).

    Don't be paranoid, but don't be stupid either.

  14. my backyard is surrounded by other backyards, so maybe not. but yeah, don't be stupid. :) thanks.
  15. Man I feel terrible for the people who get so paranoid.. I would find it very hard to even enjoy the high being so paranoid about so many things..

    Your neighbors aren't going to smell it. I too live in a residential area and smoke outside every time, and have for months. Nobody has said anything to me.

    I have to ask.. you use a pipe made out of corn on the cob?

  16. [​IMG]

    But ya op i have the same type backyard i think. i have 4 other peoples properties against mine. but you can still go outside. roll a J it just looks like you're smoking a cig.
  17. Is there no forests of fields anywhere near you? For the sake of your own sanity, smoke somewhere secluded then walk home and enjoy your high.

  18. creative, but no.
  19. Gotcha. Someone else helped me out too lol. Never seen or heard of those before, pretty cool looking.
  20. You're a grown ass man. Say "Dad can I smoke in the house?" If no don't. If yes do.

    If he freaks out and gives you the amotivational disorder, hair will grow on palms typical misinformed parent response come back here or head to granny's list Here for some awesome facts attributing to the debunking of myths and health advantages of cannabis.

    As long as your dad isn't crazy he will listen to the facts.

    Dude c'mon never seen/read frosty the snowman when you were a kid?

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