Yellowstone Supervolcano

Discussion in 'General' started by Heart, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. man they said this shit in 04, 05 and so on. When it blows it will, til then fuck it haha
  2. i live right next door to yellowstone park..its going to need to worry on it tho..if she goes itll be the end so its probably going to happen on 12-21-12 have tremors all the time but what can we do besides love it for all its beauty anyway..maybe smoke another...
  3. Well, then you guys in Wyoming will have a nice, convenient way to light your bowl.

    On another note, studies show that looking to the east too often can lead to Age-Related Mascular Degeneration.
  4. I remember hearing about this in 7th grade(8-9 years ago)
  5. [quote name='Gooseman']Well, then you guys in Wyoming will have a nice, convenient way to light your bowl.

    lol..if not a light at least a good show to watch as we smoke our way to the next dimension...:smoke:...if anyone is interested in seeing photos of boiling mud and geysers..let me know

  6. Post 'em up dude.

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