I have seven plants in a closet right now (big closet). three are ak-47 from BC seeds 2 are kali mist from the same place and two are random seeds i found in bags i've had. They're all planted in organic foxfarm potting soil and are under 4 150 watt cfl's, i've added no nutrients so far and until yesterday i was using tap water...now i have distilled. the two random's grew the fastest at first and shot up i was amazed! they're about 8 inches tall but as of friday the leaves on both of them have begun to droop. at first it seemed like the leaves were curling under then they were just really drooping one morning when the light cycle began. they've progressively gotten worse since then and now the first set of leaves is almost completely yellow and the second set on one of the plants is starting to yellow at the tips. i assumed overwatering but i left them both unwatered for 24 hours before watering them. The soil was dried out. poked out the drainage holes a little and everything but they still keep looking worse. All the other plants look amazing though. They're in 4 in. pots still are they root bound ? over watered? i have no idea help please i'm killing my precious babies.
could it be the mother was under stress and made seeds, which are the seeds you got? If this is the case, then those seeds wont work no matter what.
i think its simply just overwatering. ive done this many-a-times... i just get to excited about them and i water them a bit to much. as for saving them, best of luck. it is attanable, but this is not something that will correct in a day or two. perhaps a week while very carefully watering them making sure not to overwater. they can still be saved, just be careful. congradulations on your other healthy plants