Hello, This is my first try at growing, it's a feminized White Widow. Its about a week old and it was growing fine until about two days ago when leafs started getting yellow/orange spots on them especially the tips. Soil is 6.8-7 ph I'm using Schultz Potting Soil Plus (with time released nutrients) could that be the problem? I flood the plant every 3-4 days after the soil dries out. I'm using 1 45w cfl so far ( I know this isn't ideal but I'm not in a rush) could luck of light cause this? Any info would be appreciated. http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=332073&stc=1&d=1263565198 http://forum.grasscity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=332074&stc=1&d=1263565198
The time release ferts are burning it transplant into some fresh no nutrient soil like johnk said. Probably haven't seen the worst yet only time will tell. The longer it sits in that soil the worse its gonna get. Also, you are likely overwatering flooding every 3-4 days. get yourself a rapitest soil moisture meter.
Agree with the others here....bad soil>overwatering. I would transplant and try to hold off on the water a bit. I know it seems like more water should make it grow faster, but it doesn't work like that.