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Yellow spots and curling on transplanted clones

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by bread_sand, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. Timeline:
    • Bought these clones on evening June 7.
    • Transplanted them evening June 8.
    • Put them outside for 4 hours June 9 in the shade.
    • Put them outside for 7 hours June 10, in a spot that gets some shade and some sun depending on the time of day. It got up to like 90F this day.
    • June 11th they were out all day and night in the same partial sun spot.
    • Since June 12th, they've been in full sun. June 12th it was in the 80's F. Night time temperatures in the high 50's.

    I suspect I might have hardened them off too quickly, and they could be stressed from that.

    They're each in 1gal smart pots, in a mixture of:
    • Peat, worm castings, perlite, dry fert, kelp meal, lime, azomite -- all let to bake for about 3 weeks
    • Kelloggs Patio Plus
    • Kelloggs Amend (the Kelloggs was because the worm castings were making it too muddy when wet.

    My tap water is reading around 8.3ph but the runoff from watering is around 6.8-6.9ph.

    They were watered 3 cups each when transplanting (June 8), then not again until this morning (June 13).

    When transplanting, I soaked the rockwool in some low dose Superthrive and sprinkled the holes and rockwool with Great White mycorrhizae. Besides this and the soil itself, I haven't fed them at all yet.

    The past couple days they've been developing some issues:
    • Little yellow/brown spots on the leaves
    • Tips of the leaves turning yellow/brow, then turning dark green and curling (both up and down)
    • A little wilting on bottom leaves, even after watering today. This is only happening on one of the plants
    • Maybe some slight loss of color overall. Again this is only on one of the plants (a different one).

    In addition, they've only grown a tiny bit since transplanting 6 days ago.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas! I want to heal my babies :(

  2. Actually the runoff is reading up to 7.1. Could it be lockout from high ph?

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