Hey, so I'm growing in the 60% whc 1 gallon coco bags from floraflex. I usually grow perfectly fine in these from clone, however, this is my first time growing from seed in these pots. I also made the mistake of popping them directly in the pots. I'm about 2 weeks in on these and I'm noticing some slight yellowing around the edges of the developing fan leaves. I'm thinking either the pots are just too wet for too long because they're young and not up-taking a lot of water or they're hungry. However, the tips are starting to wilt or deform just a bit, so I'm not entirely sure. Any thoughts?
I didn't use plain water. I've been feeding one gram of v1 and v2 (floraflex nutrient line) and 2.5ml of calmag. I gave them a calmag foliar yesterday at 5ml.
I was going to feed today but the pots are still pretty wet, so I want to give time for a little dry back.
That isn't a mistake. How do you think plants grow in nature? Is there any perlite in that mix? If not add some next grow. Coco dries super fast, one of the reasons you need to feed more than once a day once into flower.
yeah but it hasn"t been drying up fast because they're babies and don't drink that much water. But i'm going to up the feed and water today and see how they react.
I grow in pro mix HP, which is similar to coco (soiless). Here's one of my journals if you wnat to see how I go about things. Blueberry Cheese from seed | Grasscity Forums - The #1 Marijuana Community Online
The red solo cups haven’t had any issues. The big pots have grown regardless of the issue, but I noticed green algae growing on the coco which let me know they’ve been sitting too wet and too humid. So lowered humidity and warmed the room and have been letting them dry back more before watering. Seems to be doing the trick.
Everything’s moving along. Gotta love how forgiving coco is. However, still having some issues. Pretty sure it’s still the roots taking damage from too much water. I left for a week and they got no water; they survived, but when I watered they didn’t look happy, nor were the pots getting fully saturated. I gave it two days and flushed and now I’m letting them dry back. Most look good, but I have two plants that are just taking a beating. Any suggestions? Not much to do than just let them dry back I think.
Coco is supposed to dry back 30-50 percent. Regardless, the issue is the coco is too wet, i had green algae forming on the top a week ago.
I was watering consistently and that's what led me here. They got better after drying out. I daily water when the coco requires it, but they aren't at that point yet.
From multiple people that I know personally, plus the internet lol. It’s common coco knowledge. Nothing is supposed to be constantly watered if it’s already wet. People water coco daily because that water is being taken up by the plants. If the medium is staying highly saturated and you’re still watering, you’re doing damage. Clearly, as I’m witnessing first hand lol
cocoforcannabis.com You obviously never found this on the internet. Coco is drain to waste hydroponics........look it up.