Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Dhulad, Sep 22, 2023.

  1. I don't know what's going on. I typically Ph At 6.2 I'm using advanced nutrients. Never been an issue. I've tried a flush, and I've tried recharge. What do I do! Help please. Yellow completely everywhere. But still growing ??
  2. a picture is worth a thousand words...

    welcome to the forums.
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  3. I keep trying to post it. It won't let
  4. It wouldn't let me post but look at my display pic lol
  5. are u on a pc? snip the pic and post it directly, or try dragging directly.

    start by telling us about your growing methods. Include media (soil? coco? peat moss?) and nutrients (if any). Have you been monitoring the pH and EC/TDS? How often do you water? What is the source of your water?

    By simply looking at your avatar, I suspect some lockout, or severe nitrogen deficiency.
  6. Whats the temperature? Looks like Nitrogen deficiency. High chance.
  7. I use coco I use advanced nutrients. Grow, micro, bloom. Normally I start with SI - then cal mag about 4ml/ gallon - then nutes - I transplanted. They were okay - fed them water first day. Than nutes on the third. They grew. Just kept getting yellow. Took lights down 50% but still no success. Then used recharge. Still nothing. I purchased nitro boost today haven't used it yet though. I was going to feed nutes + NITRO boost.
  8. Temp 81-82 humidity at 50-53 and lights are at 50% of 1000
  9. What day or week?
  10. oh stop everything. You need to feed each day in coco. You should never water coco. The plants are starving.

    OK, your doing a coco grow, which I use DTW methods. Please tell me about the pH and TDS. If you are not monitoring these values, Then I strongly suggest you purchase a (quality) set of meters. The pH you are trying to maintain should be ~6.0. When you feed your fertigation solution, you should pH to this value. Then feed until you have ~30% runoff; I use modified trays, like the bottom of a 5-gallon pail (which I cut with a saw) that is about 6" high. I then add somethign to lift the plant so I can set it above the bottom of the pail and feed. Then check the pH of the runoff solution.
    If this is good, (like 5.6-6.2 range), then check the EC/TDS values going in and coming out (ie. runoff).

    I also find this (linked) site to be a good guide for coco.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Coco basics:
    Feed at least once a day to substantial run off.
    Never, ever give plain water.
    Never, ever let the coco dry.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. this is a pic. hopefully it helps?!

    Attached Files:

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  13. hey guys hopefully you can see my pic and that will help !
  14. Your soil looks dryer than the sahara dessert haha.

    Can you lift you pots up with one hand with ease?
    What gallon pot?

    Need more info.
  15. 15 gallon and I just gave them 2 gallons of water yest to flush they can't be that dry! I lift them it's not easy to lift most of the water just went straight through
  16. #16 Cruffin, Sep 23, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2023
    Your stems are red, your leaves are yellow, your plant(s) are not healthy. I dont have enough information, but what I would do personally, is lower watt to 500. Make a whole new batch of water, put your nutes in, ph at 6.0, and the batch should be enough to drench all your plants, there needs to be run off. After that feel how heavy they are, and lift each plant with two hands to familiarize yourself with how the weight of the plant feels. (Lift it with two hands every-time you lift them do not do one hand.) When your plant is at 40% dry back, thats when you can start doing miro feedings. I always drench my plants the first day from cubes and into coco pots. Always. And I start dripping them, little by little after. You want your plant to drink all the nutes, and have strong vigor roots.
  17. Thank you dude I really appreciate your help. I have nutes ready to go going to lower down to 6 ph which I normally feed around 6.2. My lights are at 500 currently.
  18. Just try it out, try drenching it. If you think about it I do a 100% drench in a 5 gal. Your utilizing a 15 gal pot and only feeding it 2 gal, thats 13% feed in a 15 gal pot full of dirt. Just the way your dirt looks and everything, just my two cents. Lmk if you need any more info, dm me.
  19. Dude I will try anything at this point. Never thought of it that way tbh so great point of view you guys are fkin life savers
  20. All good, all about experience and repititon. You can always do a few plants and compare and contrast side by side as well. Good luck~

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