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  1. This is kind of hard to explain, but here it goes...

    Has anyone (when chillin with your buddies) exhaled through your and your friends hand to your friends mouth?

    Like, you and your friend held hands but sort of cupped them (like praying), you exhale through your hands and into your friends mouth.

    I have never done this, but i have seen it being done.
  2. It's called a blow-back and should be done with a joint still in your mouth but turned around so the cherry is on the inside.

    Used to do them with friends when i was younger. They're not too bad.
  3. It's only cool with chicks. I don't want to be that close to some dudes face.
  4. Yeah, I'm comfortable with my sexuality so it's no problem for me. I can see why it would be for someone who's not tho.:p

    Har har, just kidding.

    It was a nice excuse to get close to a girl you liked back in the day tho.
  5. Hell yeah it was...hehehe.

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