Hey Everyone - Well I have accomplished one of my goals for this summer's grow.... I have pollinated 3 colas on 2 different plants (so 6 colas total) with male pollen from 3 different plants to produce seed stock for next summer's grow!! YEAH SEEDS!! Here is how it went down.... 1st Female was Kali Mist x (Northern Lights x Haze) 2nd Female was BC Biker Bud x (Early Girl x Big Bud) I brought pollen from my males which were -- 1. (Early Girl x Big Bud) 2. (Hindu Kush) 3. (Northern Lights x Shiva) I kept each one labeled so I know which seeds are which and now all I have to do is pick out the seeds when it dries a bit more..... Kisses - Hott
Good deal. You havent started the cloneing yet? Much easier with a ton less hasstle. I thought i saw a thread and you were talking about trying to clone for next year.
Whoaw that's awesome, i might do something like that to next year so i have a few questions for u if u don't mind. First off all, were do u keep u'r males? Do u keep em inside or something like that cause i imagine they can't be anywhere near the females as we don't want a plant full off seeds. Second how do u polinate 1 bud do u just pick some male flowers and rub them over the cola u wan't to pollinate or is there a little more to it than that? U see i don't wanna f*ck up and have half a plant full off seeds. And last, how do u store u'r seeds? Just in a baggie or do u have some special way to preserve them. And how long do they stay good. So good luck with u'r seeds, that's a very inventive technique and i wander why i don't hear off more people doing that. Is it the first time u did this if not how did it turn out last time? Sorry for all the questions but i am quite impressed by the way u make u'r own hybrids. I know people that have been growing for years but none off them make their own hybrids they just buy new seeds evrytime.
i wanted to pollanate some plants this year, so i had a male by two female while they started to flower then i moved the male. but he already got his pollen all over my ladies. i think even the slightest breeze will send pollen flying into eveything. i did take a piece of paper and put it under my male and moved him around an collected some polln to put on them too. just to make sure