Yay for weed

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by VolumeZeroCr, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Hi, I'm new, I have smoked 7 joints proudly, a few bowls and I'm getting a one hitter soon. (Super easy to hide from parents, atleast until I'm off to college) Just asking a quick question, recently I got a tiny amount of left over weed from when me and my brother rolled a joint... so obviously I made an apple pipe, and smoked it, I would say is was about a loosely packed 1 hitter thing. So I went to pack it and bam, it's so loose it falls into the pen hole :( anyways I suck in the flame and throw the apple in the woods and head back home. I felt great, not super baked but mellow af, like how a experienced toker handles a few bowls, on top of it all my eyes were pretty red. Anyways I'm buying 1.5 grams for 20 bucks (it is pretty dank from what I heard) how long do you thing this will last me, keep in mind I can get baked off a single one hitter bowl thing? Also on a second note does each strain of weed produce a different high ever time? (like when I have been high in the past I'm creative and not as lazy some of the time atleast others I am, so is this my high personality?) On a 3rd note, I work at a golf course, so I get golf balls, do you think a golf ball pipe would be possible? (like a mini bowl carved in, a chamber and a carb)
    Sorry for typing so much thanks.
  2. Go to bed , get some sleep . You have big loops under your eyes .
  3. Different strains and phenotypes of the same strain have different highs yes. Some are very similar to each other, usually because they have similar genetics. That can be from being in a similar region of the world (look up landrace strains) or because they have been bred with similar strains.

    A golf ball pipe sounds like a bad idea.

    How long the bud lasts you is 100% on you bro.
  4. #5 Storm Crow, Aug 29, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    Hon, anything involving plastic and fire is a bad idea! Golf balls are coated in a "synthetic rubber" plastic and have various types in inner cores, none of which would be good to expose to high temperatures. How bad can it be? :confused_2: See post #9 :eek2:

    Bowl made of Crayola Model Magic

    I smoke out of glass, and maybe once or twice a year, I'll have a joint. I frequently vape and will happily eat edibles that would knock your socks off. But smoke out of anything involving plastics? NO WAY!

    Hon, I have used cannabis for almost 50 years, and for the last decade or so, I have made a study of it. May I help you educate yourself about cannabis, the cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system? There is SO much more to cannabis than just "getting high"! :GettingStoned:

    All you need to do is go here, click the link and start reading!

    Granny's List is on the Cloud! FREE! Get it here!

    Welcome to Grass City! You'll make a lot of new friends here! :gc_rocks:

    Granny :wave:
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