Yahoo......why...just why?

Discussion in 'General' started by pizzdog, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Is it me or is every single post on yahoo news filled with ignorant trolls. I went on yahoo to read about the egyptian protests and I honestly wanted to punch every single person commenting on that post. All the comments are ignorant remarks and stupid politcal insults. And comments saying "Stop the egyptian protests if your a true american patriot." They are turning the meaning of True american patriot from someone who fights for freedom and democracy to a government lapdog who accuses everyone of being a terrorist. I honestly am losing hope in humanity. I can't tell if all the people commenting are part of some satire joke or if they are really that ignorant and dim witted. I am never ever reading the comments on there again EVER!.
  2. #2 averagetoker, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Average Yahoo user:
    [ame=]YouTube - Trollolololol[/ame]

    EDIT: A group of Yahoo Users:
  3. Yahoo is a breeding ground for the fucktard virus. It spreads like wildfire. Yahoo Answers is the worst. I'm actually glad I'm banned from there. :p
  4. lmao i got banned from there too. Shit was fun while it lasted.

  5. World's fucked.

    Blaze and drink and enjoy the show.
  6. haha its yahoo though whatd ya expect

  7. Lol I was expecting at least one person who wasn't ignorant and racist but thats obviously not possible on yahoo.
  8. nobody uses yahoo... mozilla firefox is for porn addicts, private browsing is olnly good for one thing man.

    Oh, i know they arent related, just thought it was on topic.
  9. you use chrome I'm guessing?
  10. no, I use Mozilla ;).
  11. The other day, I got blazed and thought of this:

    If people are getting dumber and more sheep-like than ever before, as is very evident just from the continued blind support of Apple products and sites like Yahoo and 4Chan, then us sane people will have a social and economic advantage over the inferior dullards that currently fester our continent.:devious:
  12. apple products are fuckin' awesome..

    just sayin'
  13. I wonder if it's just some small clandestine group of people who go from Yahoo, to the CNN comment sections, and then to Youtube with the mission to leave the most retarded comments possible.

  14. Self incrimination isn't a good thing, man. :laughing:

    jk, to each their own. :D
  15. #16 Cubs Guy17, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Yea I am banned from yahoo. On 3 different accounts. It was fun though.
  16. Im glad you blades know what I am talking about

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