XFactor's 1st Chocolope Closet Grow/Soil/Flouros -Day 29 Flowering

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by XFactor69, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 XFactor69, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2010
    Good Morning GC,

    I am here to share and learn from my 1st closet grow...Any advice is welcomed. Here is the grow...

    I received plant in full Veg and immediately started flowering once I transplanted my girl.

    Day 23 of Flowereing -Chocolope (DNA Genetics) 95% Sativa 5% Indica Hybrid
    58" Tall - Started Flowerring 12/12 cycle at 48" - Does not seem to be growing up any longer.
    Medium - Organic Soil
    Nutrients - Flora Nova Organic
    Lighting - 6 X 4' 40 Watt Flourescent Warm 3400 Lumen Tubes - 1 Set placed vertically beside the plant
    Mylar covered Walls
    Oscilating Fan during light hours
    Temps range from 65-78 Degrees (Day/Night)
    Grow Room - Closet
    PH 6.4-6.7
    Plant is very healthy and tall - Not by my doing.

    I do keep a personal log of w\atering schedules, Nutrients, PH before and after watering, height and any chages to the enviroment. If you have any suggestions or questions please share...

    Enjoy the grow and pictures attached...I hope to update every couple of days.

    Until 4:20:smoking:

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  2. Looking forward to this, I was thinkin about growing some Chocolope in the near future. Put up some pics, I wanna see how stanky this baby is :smoking:.
  3. Here are the pics...Enjoy. Day 23 PICS

    More to follow...I hope you enjoy.:smoking:

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  4. Enjoy the updated Pics...Day 29 of Flowering the Chocolope love plant...Let me know your thoughts...Everything seems to be growing just fine and the plant is very healthy to this point.

    Ohhh and can someone advise why the dual collered leave is all about? There is only one and it is near the top of the plant...


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  5. A Few more day 29 Pics...

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  6. Very nice dude. That leave that's discolored looks like it might be a combination of the start of calcium/magnesium defficiency and pH problems leading to lockout. I had similar issues with my grow and it was fixed by simply flushing it with plenty of clean water and giving it some CalMag.

    Oh and if you think it looks good now, just wait two weeks. That shit will triple in size.
  7. nice grow man!

    i hear chocoloope is bomb! welcome to GC :)
  8. Thanks Stevie and August...

    Stevieblaze - The one leaf near the top is the only leave that is showing any signs of discoloration...Do you think I should still flush or wait to see if there are any other leaves that develope this disscoloration?

    I am anxiously awaiting week 5-6 as I heard it is when the plant really starts to thrive...

    Stay tuned...and love the postitive feedback.
  9. Love the plants man :cool: they look fantastic what Ph and PPM you have them at right now?
  10. Thanks bro...PH is always about 6.3-6.5 and the PPM I am not really sure...Is there some type of measuring device I should obbtain to measure the PPM? Plant is super healthy and growing bigger buds daily...
  11. Hey XFactor.... I wouldn't worry too much about that leaf (you may want to add a teaspoon of epson salt (magnesium sulphat) to your next watering. I've struggled a bit with mine but she's still going strong... just hit week 7 today and they do start putting the weight on around week 5.

    If you can add a few 2700K CFLs would be the only advice I'd give ya as your doing a great job.
  12. Thanks NY...I will try that, appreciate the kind words and advice.:smoke:
  13. BUMP....New picture updates tomorrow...
  14. Nice bro, everything looks great.:smoke: you get a chance to clone that queen?
  15. Thanks...You know it and you have her little sister as well. Any updates on the Purple Platinum Kush X Master Kush? Don't forget to clone her...or I kill you.:D
  16. The Purple Platinum Kush X Master Kush is doing graet and has wings like a 747 lol I would put pic up but you have my camera!:metal:
  17. here is a pic......

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  18. Looking good...don't f it up:smoking:
  19. NEW PICS - Day 48 of Flowering...All is going well. SEE INITIAL POST FOR DAy 48 PICS and there are a few attached below.

    Also the pics on the initial post were edited accidentially to show day 48 versus the originals pics I had up...My bad and I won't do that again. They won't let me attach again. 14 new pics total...

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  20. Look-n dank and crystally man..sorry i havn't been around to ur thread but iv'e been having some problems with my new nutirnts causing a whole lota problems right now for my plants...so i had to deal with them

    Nice update man...harvest date is coming closer and closer :D :hello:

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