Alien: Isolation\tFirst-person survival horror, stealth\t\tWinter 2014\tThe Amazing Spider-Man 2\tAction-adventure\t\tSpring 2014Angry Birds Star Wars\tPuzzle, Strategy\tAnimusic: The Video Game\tMusic, Rhythm\tTBA\tAssassin's Creed IV: Black Flag\tAction-adventure, Open world, Stealth\tBattlefield 4\tFirst-person shooter\tBelow\tAdventure\tTBA\tBeyond Good & Evil 2\tAction-adventure\tTBA\tCall of Duty: Ghosts\tCarmageddon: Reincarnation\tVehicular combat, Racing\tTBA 2014\tChild of Light\tPlatform, Role-playing\t 2014 TBA Cobalt\tAction-sidescroller\t\tTBA\tCosmic Star Heroine\tRPG \tTBA\t The Crew\tRacing\tIvory Tower\tFall 2014\t Crimson Dragon\tRail shooter\tCyberpunk 2077\tAction role-playing\tCD 2015D4\tTBA\tDead Rising 3\tSurvival horror\tDestiny\tAction role-playing, First-person shooter\t\tSeptember 9, 2014\tDivekick\tFighting\t TBA Dragon Age: Inquisition\tAction role-playing\tFall 2014\tDying Light\tAction-adventure, First-person survival horror\tAugust 26, 2014\tEA Sports UFC\tFighting, Sports\tMay 5, 2014The Elder Scrolls Online\tMMORPG\tJune 2014\tThe Evil Within\tSurvival horror\t2014Evolve\tFirst-person shooter\tFall 2014Fable Legends\tAction role-playing TBA Fantasia: Music Evolved\tMusic, Rhythm\tHarmonix\t2014\tFIFA 14\tSports\tFighter Within\tFighting\tDaoka\tFinal Fantasy XV\tAction role-playing\tTBA Forza Motorsport 5\tSim racingGame of Thrones\tAdventure\tTBA Get Even\tFirst-person shooter\tTBA Guacamelee!: Super Turbo Champion Edition\tPlatform, Beat 'em up\tSpring 2014\tHalo: Spartan Assault\tTop-down ShooterUntitled Halo game\tFirst-person shooter\tTBA Just Dance 2014\tRhythm\tKiller Instinct\tFighting\tDouble Helix GamesKinect Sports Rivals\tSports TBA Kingdom Come: Deliverance\tAction role-playing, Open world\tTBA\t 2015\tKingdom Hearts III\tAction role-playing\tTBA Legend of Raven\tFighter\tTBA Lego The Hobbit\tAction-adventure\t\tSpring 2014\tLego Marvel Super Heroes\tAction-adventure\tThe Lego Movie Videogame\tAction-adventure\tFebruary 3, 2014LocoCycle\tRacingVehicular combat\t2014\tNovember 22, Lords of the Fallen\tAction role-playing\tTBA Mad Max\tVehicular combat, Action-adventure\t\tSeptember 30, \t2014\tMadden NFL 25\tSports\tMarc Ecko's Getting Up 2\tAction-Adventure\tTBA Max: The Curse of Brotherhood\tPlatformer, Puzzle, Side-scroller\tMetal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes\tAction-adventure, stealth March 20, 2014\tMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain\tAction-adventure, Stealth\tTBA Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor\tAction-adventure\tTBA Mighty No. 9\tAction platforming\tApril 2015\tMinecraft: Xbox One Edition\tSandbox\tTBA Untitled Mirror's Edge sequel\tAction-adventure, TBA NBA 2K14\tSports\tNBA Live 14\tSports\tNeed for Speed: Rivals\t Nuclear Throne\taction TBA Peggle 2\tPuzzle\tPlants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare\tTower defense, Third-person shooter\tFebruary 20, 2014Powerstar Golf\tSports\tTBA Project CARS\tSim racing\tTBA Project Spark\tSandbox\tTBA Quantum Break\tThird-person shooter TBA R.B.I. '14\tSports\tSpring 2014Rayman Legends\tPlatform\tFebruary 21, 2014\tRyse: Son of Rome\tAction-Adventure\tShantae: Half-Genie Hero\tAdventure\tTBA Skylanders: Swap Force\tPlatform\tSleeping Dogs: Triad Wars\tOpen world, Action-adventure\tTBA Sniper Elite III\tTactical shooter, stealth shooter TBA Star Wars: Battlefront\tAction, Shooter\tTBA Strider\tAction-adventure, TBA Sunset Overdrive\tOpen world, Shooter\tTBA Super Time Force\tShooter, Sidescroller\tTBA Tetris\tpuzzle TBA Thief\tStealth\tFebruary 28, 2014Titanfall\tFirst-person shooter, \tMarch 13, 2014Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots\tFirst-person shooter\tTBA Tom Clancy's The Division\tThird-person shooter, Action role-playing\tTBA Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition\tAction-adventure\t\tJanuary 31, 2014\tTrials Fusion\tRacing, TBA Valiant Hearts: The Great War\tPuzzle adventure TBA Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade\tTBA Watch Dogs\tAction-adventure, Stealth, Open world Whore of the Orient\tAction-adventure TBA The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt\tAction role-playing, Hack and slash, TBA Wolfenstein: The New Order\tFirst-person shooter TBA Wonder Flick\tRPG\tTBA Xbox Fitness\tFitness\tZoo Tycoon\tBusiness simulation\tZumba Fitness: World Party\tSent from under a tree.
I'm guessing he used the GC app to type all this. Its shows up spaced when I view the thread on my phone.