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Xbox buddys forever!!! (already posted but got bannes)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bluedream12, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. At the beginning of the school year my friend and I played a lot of COD. We were in a clan for quite a long time and became closer with a few of the members. We asked them where they lived and they said NY. We live in OH so we were like oh sweet were not to far from each other. We would joke around about us going over to see them, that is, until it became a reality. We were actually planning to go see them!!!!

    So we lied to our parents saying that we were going to a camping trip in PA which, we did drive threw it to get there =P . But yeah by the time we got there is was about 1am so they couldn't come outside. But they gave us the name of another kid that we played with (Charlie) and ended up meting up with him. After about 10mins of saying whats up and introducing each other he pulls out a bowl and we pull out our 1/8 of blue dream :) . We end up toking for about 30min and then Charlie treats me and my friend to some food on him! We drop him off back at his place and then try and figure out where were going to sleep . We end up sleeping my car outside Dave's house and waking up to people walking there dogs right by my car and looking at me awkwardly like wtf are those kids from OH doing sleeping right here.

    At the beginning of the day we end up just walking in a park until Dave and Alex can chill. One they meet up with us we start smoking and having a good friend. My friend starts dancing like a beast which he does ever time we toke. Dave and Alex start freaking out at his moves and just from being so ripped! The out of nowhere Alex just starts sprinting in circles and grunting and stops and is just like, "that felt so right". I knew exactly what he meant. But, the night ends when his mom calles him and tells him he has to come home.

    So now where stuck in the same situation. We decided to go back in front of Dave's house chief a few bowls and then crash. All was going well having a great time and then me and my buddy crash. Now this is around 9pm. At around 11pm I am woken up from taping on my window. It didn't hit me at first until I saw the flashlight and the lights flashing behind me. Now at this point I look over at my friend with that "holy fuck" look on my face. I roll down my window and the officer asks me what were doing. I tell him that we were sleeping. He says I know you were sleeping but your eyes look kind of bloodshot, is there anything in the car that we should know about? I tell him no sir and he asks to search my car since there shouldn't be a problem and I till him to go for it. The cop walks away for a second and my friend quickly takes the stash from the glove compartment and put it inside a McDonald's cup in the center console cup holder. The cop take me and my friend and puts us in the back of two separate cars and goes threw everything in my car, ACCEPT, the McDonald's cup! At first I'm like alright they couldn't find it, but then they told me that they could smell it. They said a K9 was on the way and if he got into my car he would tear the fuck out of it. I didn't want that so my friend told then where it was probably making then feel pretty stupid considering they went threw all of our stuff.

    They take the weed and throw it on the ground and rub it into the road with there shoe. Then the worst part.... I had to call my mom. My mom that thinks I'm in PA camping. Oh was she pissed. After the whole conversation with her the cops were nice enough to lets us go. We told our parents we were going to sleep before heading home when really we were driving threw the night. We knew we were fucked when we got back so we wanted to make time to see our friends and tell them the story before we faced our consequences. Then all had good laughs about it but in the end were telling us good luck with our parents. Our parents were surprisingly calm about the whole thing not even really grounding us. We were expecting to be grounded forever and be miserable when all we had to do is go threw a lecture. So thank you mom thank you dad thank you NY police. It was one awesome experience and can't wait to see Charlie Dave and Alex again!

    If you liked this story let me know and ill post some other good ones :)
  2. Should have called there bluff and said bring on the K9.
  3. dude your friends have curfiews?
  4. ...So many mistakes.
  5. k9 units dont tear up you car....and even if they do you can argue to get the shit replaced for free
  6. lol shady spots ftl.
  7. you must get a lotta girls

  8. I had a k9 rip the wires out of my amp and it damn near started a fire in my car after wards !

    I told my lawyer and he said I couldnt do shit about it.

  9. only need the one im with :)
  10. I like the part where his mom calls him to come inside for the night
  11. They don't allowed people under the age of eighteen to post here.

  12. i wasnt 18 at the time of this happening but i am now
  13. btw I did like this story and would enjoy if you posted other ones!

  14. touché
  15. that part made me LOL

    Loved teh story OP

    Great stuff
  16. I love how you let them search the car when you could have legally said no. And then y'all actually got in their cars before they had found anything hahaha. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just find it funny how stupid that is.
  17. i had a couple reactions from that

    1) LOLLOL
    2) smh...
    3) EXCEPT***

    and most importantly...

    how the fuck does someone plan a road trip without knowing where they will stay after they get to their destination??? loludumb
  18. Damn, i somehow just managed to read this twice without knowing it.

    man life is great when your sober :hello:

  19. Lmao......Right :confused:

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