Xavior's Test grow...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Grow Journals' started by Xavior, Jun 5, 2003.

  1. LOL...its cause im high and its been raining so theres nothing to do but look at my pretty's.

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  2. Poor Stan :(

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  3. Side view of the gorgeous Jan ;)

    ...no those ties arent tight...

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  4. Zooooomed

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  5. Topless ;)

    I swear the ott-lites have made a difference already...either that or Jan had a growth spurt...and I also sprayed it with diluted H2O2 ;);)

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  6. Well till tomorrow (when the light cycle is almost through), lets see what it looks like.

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  7. Check out this only day two

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  8. You need a new camera Duff ;)

    Mig mig

    Duffman is the guy who puts the plant out in the sunshine as a seedling so it grow all stretchy :|
  9. I guess this is considered the end of day 10...the difference between now and my last pictures is amazing.

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  10. Well I'm a bit stumped as to what suddenly has Jan so happy.
    I changed all of the following pretty much the same day:
    -Bigger pot
    -Plant support
    -Perlite layer on top of soil to increase reflectivity
    -Aluminum foil around grow area
    -Ott-Lite's instead of Plant/Aquarium tubes
    -4 tubes instead of 2
    -Hydrogen Peroxide watering
    -Bowl of water (plus I spritz everything with a coating of water whenever I'm around it) to increase the humidity a bit.

    You can tell I'm not a science major...lol

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  11. A few hours into the light cycle....

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  12. Coming along nicely it would seem...

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  13. Duffmann can't breathe! Oh No!
  14. Don't fill my grow journal with flame's please, lol.
  15. She's grown :)

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  16. Her third level of leaves on top have turned slightly left and right towards the light...hopefully soon I'll have a MH light ;)

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  17. Zoom from the side. It's easier to see the growth from here.

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  18. I wish Stan was doing as well as Jan :(

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  19. Look at the Day 10 1/2 Side view pic's of Jan and notice the position of the wood stake...then look at the end of Day 11. ;)

    When do I begin fertilizing Jan?

    Also - when I stick my finger into Jan's pot past the perlite, the soil is moist, but its also fairly warm...is this ok?
  20. Looking good!!! The soil is good being warm, you don't want it cold. Make sure when you water you use nuke warm water so you don't shock it with cold water. Keep up the good work buddy!!

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