
Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by Outdo0rMaster, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 Outdo0rMaster, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    I lost them year or two a go when they got some problems with law.
    They work underground fems producing and by other name in that time...now femaleseeds.nl is back.
    It was they will back or not....yes no .. yes no .. yes no ... tonight I check them just to see whats going on, or is there any news.
    Well, it's one of first specialized companies for fem seeds in the Europe.

    They exist for years already.You can find very rare grow reports about hermies.
    I grow couple of his strains but never got any problem.His old Skunk Special was great smoke.Hence I never find hermie in femaleseeds.nl seeds I believe its mostly cause growers skill.
    Now I see female X line got GrapefruitedICE and couple more interesting versions.
    Femaleseeds.nl - Specialising in female seeds for the best price

    If you want quality,forehead,good & without problems female seed this is company for you.
    They still hold brutally low prices so you can got 5 females for just 25$ or less.


  2. Not only are they one of the first to openly distribute feminised seeds, they work their strains very carefully, and they give you variation rates which gives you a good idea of how well the strain is stablized.

    Another thing I respect about this company is they always give such good descriptions and details of the strain. I always found both of their companies reliable and good strains. Grapefruit is incredible, so incredible that I may rethink my views. and get some Feminised Grapefruit seeds.

    I had wondered what went down there, but places come & go, so it is nice to see they are back up and running. Everyone knows my opinions of feminised seeds, but if I was to suggest a company with proven reliability, it would this one. They test every batch of seeds w/ various forms of stress to assure reliability.
  3. #3 Outdo0rMaster, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    HI lessismore, they are leaders in Holland for female seeds production and they made a lot of seeds for others who was too dumb to made quality females couple years a go.
    You know how shitty war about seeds is, Dutch growers mostly do not care for regular seeds ... its all about clones or female seeds ... so femaleseeds.nl at that time ruin "them" job with quality female seeds.
    Long story short, its about couple players and money ...

    However, I see you know what is one of Great strains from Femaleseeds.nl....Grapefruit !
    (You know already, I follow Next Generation seeds and his Grapefruit, I bought almost all crosses with his Grapefruit)
    Unfortunately its out of stock and femalesseds Grapefruit was mostly out of stock couple years a go .... simple they sell all what have of Grapefruit in just about month or so...and its again out of stock.
    Im not big fan of feminized seeds either but I would like to try his New stock of ICED Grapefruit,it sounds interesting for me knowing femaleseeds Grapefruit.Once again I would like to meet their Skunk Special.

    I contact them already and couple beans will be shipped in matter of time.
    It's good when you can grow fems without fear of hermies.

    Grapefruit PIX

    Attached Files:

  4. I have grown NGS Grapefruit. You know C-99 being one of my favorite strains, so it makes to appreciate a strain which was derived from a C-99. It is said a Lemon Thai was used in the cross. So that is even more reason to truly appreciate Grapefruit. Another good point is that it has a very distinct smell which is not real strong, and it has a very fine taste. I'm happy to see you bring this company up b/c I thought they were gone like Bros. Grimm.

    Iced Grapefruit sounds amazing too.
  5. its kinda tangential, but you guys are mentioning NextGenSeeds

    and Im wondering why they arent more popular? from seed, the Romulan I have grows almost clone-like results, with minimal variation, and retardedly hollow stems

    havent flowered it out yet, but I have a good feeling about it :D

    but yeah, from what I can tell, Jay really knows what hes doing, I just dont see them talked about much...?
  6. #6 Outdo0rMaster, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    Amoril, I believe its all about marketing but every single man what I know from Canada did try ngs Romulan and many of them found a keeper .... so figure out.

    It's same with reports of Medicine Man or Black Widow....on another side you can find numerous of posts about White Widow and White Rhino what is same like MM or BW.
    Femaleseeds > MrNice > Next Generation Seeds > TGA and couple others do not take for serious "marketing game" so someone of us must say to they are not noobs & they have very good genetics to offer.
    Noobs Example :
    Porno Seeds

    Honestly I didn't try Next Generation Seeds female variety and ... I do not trust them yet about females (& don't have time to try it).

    If is where I will looking for females variety of Grapefruit, Ice or Northern Light at first place it would be femaleseeds.nl

    I start this thread to ppl who need and like to grow fems have good and trust worth place for shopping.....
    Many start growing couple months a go and they do not know for femalesseds.nl but its not new company and have good offer.
  7. #7 lessismore, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010

    Romulan is a great strain. I have grown a few Next Generation strains, all from clones off mother plants. I agree, very good genetics, grow very true, and are potent. I had a cut off the Grapefruit and kept it as a mother as long as I could.

    You will be more than happy with Romulan. Every cut I ever acquired which came from NGS strains was exceptional. I just cannot justify buying more seeds. However, Grapefruit may become the exception here.

    ODM, WTF is Porno seeds? They tell us nothing other than every strain Indica/Sativa.....maybe a World Of Seeds clone; buy bulk seeds and name them what you like, then sell them under some eye catching marketing....WTF is the seed industry becoming? I think back to Seed Bank and SSSC catalogs, even early Sensi & GHSC cataloga, nothing flashy, good descriptions, detailed info on lineages. Now people sell anything....of curse they can b/c so many will buy just anything. I agree, you look at those companies you mention; all usually have much of their stock soldout, where others places are always in stock. I think the truly great breeders do not need advertising to sell their seeds b/c experienced and wise growers already know. Which is why it is often hard to find some of these breeder's seeds.
  8. #8 Outdo0rMaster, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Only god know who is behind Porno seeds.
    But that is how seed industry works .... you know reseller and its needed to pick some other name and we actually got same seeds by two "company" names.
    Porn seeds is obviously for very young boys who still thinking with his dick, but its one more "marketing way" to "collect" couple more customers.

    It says a lot about Attitude too and what Attitude will become soon....

    Just Im not sure is that Porno seeds €44.70 for single seed or its stated 1 like 1 pack of 10 seeds ....
    come on .... grower can buy 10 seeds from femaleseeds.nl for that money or some genetics from mr.Nice at least TGA is here and there in that price range .... but Porno seeds hahaha :D
  9. I just recieved an answer to my email to Francine at Femaleseeds.nl and learned that Grapefruit will be available at the end of the month. I was also assured that all of their strains are stable, clone well, and grow true. It was explained to me that only a couple of their strains show male flowers under normal growing conditions at a ratio of 1 out of 100.

    It was said that most problem with female seeds is poor breeding; "These charakteristics are purely through bad breeding and just throwing different plants together (crossing and crossing again)". Sounds like a few places I can think of right off the top of my head.

    I will most likely look into getting some of their seeds. I'm not a fan of female seeds, however, my great appreciation of Grapefruit has changed this. Not to mention they are from a very reliable company.
  10. I will got some of fem grapefruit before he come out of stock again lol
    Looks like you got honest answer about females.There is not 100% guarantee, but some "breeders" have in description 100% female seeds.Thats fake info.
    Honestly I didnt find any of genetic problems in his seeds but his genetic problems is statistic mistake comparing with other breeders who say "100%" females.

    Info for Porno seeds....
    I find Porno seeds on the t-shirt of an girl in the Attitude gallery....so maybe that is Attitude's try of breeding or they just purchase some genetics by discount prices and claim like orig Porno seeds.
    but Porno seeds ... lol :D
  11. the link doesnt work:confused:
  12. Huh, the sites down....:confused:
    I'm not a big fan of female seeds either but I made an exception for these guys.
    Anybody know anything about their Black Widow? Same thing as Shanti's BW?
    Ron Jeremy?
  13. either of you guys know who is the breeder/frontman for femaleseeds?

    to be honest, Im not interested in them even if Im right, but if I am correct then it supports what youre saying about their offerings being honest and of quality, IMO.....just, still not for me right now ;)

    either way, im wondering if its the stuff put out by Marco Renda, the editor of Treating Yourself?
  14. All links works perfectly.

    @amoril, no I believe Marco Renda does not have anything with Femaleseeds.nl (like a owner) also its two totally different quality of female seeds (FMS vs FS).
    I didn't grow Marco's seeds and I don't planing to do, but I listen around ....
    Dont know why I have info in my mind to Marco's fems are from Netherlands but I believe so (not interesting to looking around) maybe he is good with words on the paper but not in breeding.
    Maybe year a go I hit him msg about fems but he really do not know about it and he told me its "made like breeders do in the Europe" (can search for exact quote in msg's) .... Im from Europe, here is too much noobs for fems making.
  15. Blaze all day, hit them msg about it if you have time .... im curious either to know is that Shanti's BW ...
  16. I'm not sure if the Black Widow is MNS or not. I know Francine handles all correspondence and is usually quick to respond.

    If I did not have so many Northern Lights I wold order some of that too. I'm definately interested in the Widowrella and the Iced Grapefruit too.

    I want to wait until the Grapefruit is in stock so I can just order all at once. I'm happy to see them up and running again.

    I also doubt if Marco has anything to do with them. He is based in Canada and from what I have heard, his lines of female seeds are very inconsistent.
  17. If you try/grow their Northern Light you will be nicely surprised.
  18. Could you go more into detail. I have grown many, still have #2, 2X5, and #5 in my seed stock. I know not all NL are the same, with all the variations Neville created at the Seed Bank, I would not be surprised if some of those got out to other breeders. The only one I never had a chance to grow was the #9X5. Are you tellng me they have the 9X5 cut and this is what is used in the Northern Lights they offer?

    I'm not a big Indica fan, however I have grown Northern Lights often and in many different versions. This would be the only one I never grew. I always read about and heard people speak of this #9 version, but could never put my hands on it. It is said it disappeared, or maybe Dronkers kept it to make his NL slightly unique to the typical #2's and #5's which are more common and which most places sell.

    You have peaked my interest now.
  19. Im not sure which of NL's femaleseeds use for their femed NL but I can say he still have vigor and by plant body it looks more "sativic" up to 2m (6-7ft) high, but I grow him on not so good ground so maybe can be bigger.But there is some variations in structure.
    Big leaves is not so much covered with crystals but buds are compact and really very frosty.
    Here he finish at end of Sep-beg of Oct.
    Its nice mix of mind / body effect, but hmmm yes it was indica smoke.
    not sure do I have pictures of it but here is their Skunk Special....they grow like from clones ... all exactly same.
    Unfortunately this grow was discovered and I try not full matured buds, cause some asshole stole it...but it was good smoke for immature plant.

    Left row is Skunk Special . Middle and right row is another strain.
    June 01 2006, 1m+ tall, planted at May 01, all was 1,8m tall.

    sorry no femaleseed NL on this CD, will check later on other CD's

    Attached Files:

  20. It may be the #2 then. It grows like a pine tree shape and can get 6 ft or so. I have #1,#2, #2X5, #5, so I will not buy any NL b/c it makes no sense. Grapefruit is another story, as is the Widowrella and the Iced Grapefruit.

    I asked the grower I acquired the cuts from of the Grapefruit I grew, and they came from NGS, however he too said he is buying some of Femaleseeds.nl Grapefruit when available. I placed an email alert on their site so I know when it comes available.

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